A New Perspective

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Kagami, Chishiya and Kuina all walked along the empty streets. They had left the Beach around half an hour ago while the others all stood and watched the resort burn to the ground. Since leaving, things had been rather quiet as Chishiya was too busy examining a piece of paper with a bunch of squiggles on it and Kuina and Kagami were simply enjoying the peace and quiet after the chaos of the Beach. After walking for a few more minutes, Kuina caught sight of a clothing store and pointed at it.

"Look, we can get out of this swimwear." Kuina said with a grin. "I want to get some jeans. Let's go." She said, grabbing onto Kagami's hand.

"Oh thank god, I am so sick of this swimsuit." She grinned and both women began to make their way towards the store before Chishiya cleared his throat, causing them to turn and look at him.

"We should keep moving. I think I finally understand what this is." Chishiya said, showing them the piece of paper. Kagami couldn't help but sigh at him,

"Come on, don't you want to change into something else? I am dying to get out of this swimsuit. We'll be quick, I promise." She said. Kagami and Chishiya kept their eyes locked onto one another for a few moments before Chishiya finally gave in and sighed.

"Fine. Let's be quick." He said, causing the two women to grin at each other and make their way towards the store arm in arm. "After this we need to head to the subway station." Chishiya added, but neither woman turned to look at him and simply continued on their way towards the store.

Once the two women went inside, Kuina quickly moved to look at a couple different pairs of jeans while Kagami moved to the lingerie section. She had weirdly enough missed wearing a bra. Once she had gathered something appropriate to wear while playing in a death game as well as something in her size, she then moved onto clothing. As much as she wanted to look nice, she needed something practical. After quickly scanning the store, Kagami finally settled on a black singlet, black track pants and then managed to get a set of sneakers in her size.

With her new found clothes in her arms, Kagami moved towards what looked like the only dressing room in the store that hadn't had the curtain ripped apart. Kagami quickly opened the curtain to slip into the room only to find that Chishiya was already standing in there. He was partway changing into a grey T-shirt that he pulled overhead before he noticed her staring at him.  At the sight of her, Chishiya smirked,

"Find something you like?" He asked, looking down at the clothes in her arms as he proceeded to remove his shorts to change into a set of white, baggy sweatpants he had picked out. Kagami couldn't help but turn away from him, feeling somewhat flustered which caused Chishiya to chuckle at her. "You do realize that we've seen each other naked before, right? You can get changed. The sooner you do, the sooner we can get to the subway station." He told her simply and Kagami took a deep breath before she followed Chishiya's lead and proceeded to change into her new outfit. Her back was still turned to Chishiya and as she finished getting changed she opened the curtain and turned back around to see that Chishiya was leaning against the wall watching her.

"What?" Kagami asked, frowning at him. "Wasn't your logic that you'd already seen me naked so it didn't matter if I got changed?" She questioned and Chishiya smirked at her.

"I can still enjoy it even if it isn't the first time." He told her with a shrug. He was wearing a long sleeved blue gradient cardigan with the white baggy pants and a dark grey T-Shirt with sneakers. Next to him in a pile, Kagami's eyes fell onto his old clothing, in particular the white hoodie she had grown accustomed to him wearing.

"Can I have that?" Kagami asked, pointing to the white hoodie. Chishiya followed her gaze before he bent down to pick the jacket up and handed it to her.

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