The End of The Beach

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Kagami was standing on the balcony of the annex. She was frozen in a mixture of fear and disbelief as her eyes watched the figure that was moving out of the smoke and towards the crowd.

"That hurt." Kagami heard the tall, heavily burned man groan and straight away she went cold at the sound of his voice, "If I could do it all over again, I'd use the fire of judgement to burn this whole place down!" He shouted. Kagami couldn't believe her eyes as she watched none other than Suguru Niragi limp into the annex. He had part of his shirt covering his burned face and had an even more crazed look in his eye than she had ever seen before. How did Niragi survive? "Then, I'd be the winner!" Niragi finally shouted before throwing the molotov cocktail into the crowd of people that scattered before he lifted his gun and fired it.

Kagami watched on as Niragi killed many of the militant and Beach members alike that tried to flee. Kagami, on the other hand, was frozen with wide eyes that watched Niragi's every move. She was holding onto the railing so hard that her knuckles had gone white. Chishiya was standing next to her, trying to get her attention but Kagami just couldn't hear him. It was as if everything had stopped,

"Namika, we need to move." Chishiya was telling her, grabbing onto her shoulders, but Kagami simply shrugged him off of her.

"You go. I need to deal with this." She said, getting ready to scream out Niragi's name to draw his attention away from the crowd. Once his eyes were on her she would be able to distract him long enough for everyone else to get Momoka's body to the Judgement of Fire. She knew that he would be angry with her. After all, she had tried and failed to kill him. Moments before she could scream out his name, Chishiya placed his hand over her mouth and pulled her away from the railing.

"He is not your responsibility anymore!" Chishiya told her, his hand moving from her mouth to her hand. "And I am not leaving you behind again." His words sounded so sincere, but Kagami just looked at him,

"We'll leave together, okay? I just have to finish this. It has to be me." Kagami's eyes were locked onto his and she could see that he was trying to think of something that would make her stay. But the longer he stood and watched her, the more he seemed to realize that nothing he could say would stop her. Kagami waited until Chishiya let go of her hand before she sprinted away from him and towards the burning staircase.

There was still enough of the staircase not covered in flames for her to slip down them, the heat causing her to sweat as she continued to run down into the annex. Usagi had already sprung into action and Kagami watched as she jumped onto Niragi's back in an attempt to take the gun off of him. Arisu moved to help her, grabbing onto the hand that held onto the gun while Niragi punched him in the back over and over again. But it wasn't enough. Niragi was quick to shove Arisu aside before he threw Usagi off of his back. The two of them landed together on the ground while Niragi aimed his gun at them. Kagami continued her sprint towards them, standing in front of Arisu and Usagi who were both looking at her in surprise.

"Kagami, you need to get out of here." Usagi yelled. But Kagami didn't respond, her eyes were simply locked onto Niragi who stared right back at her, gun aimed at her chest.

"Namika, why?" He asked. "I promised you. Why couldn't you give me the chance to prove it? Why would you do this to me?" He gestured to the burns that covered 90% of his body before he looked back at her, his eyes filled with hurt. "You'd really choose Chishiya over me?" He asked and Kagami knew that he was expecting an answer.

"Yeah, I would." She said lightly, nodding. If Kagami wasn't paying attention she would have missed it, but she was certain that she could pinpoint the very moment Niragi's heart broke as her words reached his ears. "He just... means a lot to me." She said, unable to find the words to describe how she felt about the blonde who, as she looked to the annex balcony, she saw he was staring down at her. Niragi looked as though the words hurt more than the burns ever could.

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