Chapter 5: Blood

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And as if I had done it a million times before, I raced after those cherry blossoms.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I reached the other side of the door. But a teachers lounge was not what I had in mind. But all the same I locked the door and pushed a desk in front of it in an attempt to barricade myself in the room.

The bells chimed again and as it did the cherry blossoms stopped floating through the air.

Settling in a circle around me.

"Thank you." I whispered, unsure of how they got there, or whose voice I had heard. But they had helped me avoid the two vampires that had somehow gotten into the school. So saying I was grateful would be an understatement.

"Hmm, well this is unexpected."

Suddenly all my blood went rushing to my head. The nashua hitting like a truck as a scratchy voice called out from behind me.

"W-who are you?" I stammered, turning around to see a man a little older than me with blueish white hair and red eyes. But those were the only features I could make out.

Everything else was starting to blur together as the pounding in my head got louder.

"Aw, is the little hero in training afraid?" He cooed, taking a step closer. My pink eyes widening before stumbling back. Tripping on my own feet due to the strain my body was experiencing.

"Shigaraki we should focus."

I hadn't even noticed the other figure until he spoke, my fuzzy vision mistaking him for a shadow. But then I noticed his glowing yellow eyes that seemed to be silently smoking like the rest of his mist-like body.

How did they even get in here? Who were they?

"You look for the schedule." The blue haired one waved off crouching down in front of me. "Hey, Little Hero. What's your name?

I was positive these people weren't teachers. But I had already blocked the exit with a heavy wooden desk. And even if I somehow managed to get out the door, I would be facing two much more terrifying individuals.

"Hello? Earth to the pink eyed girl."

"S-saori." I stuttered, eyes darting around the room in search of another exit.

"You know Saori, I was really hoping I would be able to get in and out without a hitch..." The red eyed man complained, scratching the side of his neck. "They weren't supposed to see us, you see."

I tried to listen to his words. I really did. But the pain in my head was overpowering. The thumping echoing inside of it felt like someone was hitting cymbals on either side of my ears.

"But I can't just kill a student, I mean they would notice that you disappeared, right? Plus then there would be a whole search for you, and that could change the current schedule."

"give in Saori."

"Go Away." I managed to mumble, Clutching my ears like a child. Trying to block out the sound of Kanames voice ringing in my head. There was enough going on in there, I didn't need his annoying voice on top of it all.

"Weren't you listening to a word I said, Saori?" I could barely hear him over the sound of his own heart beat. "I really hate being ignored."

Wait, is that what it was? His heart beat?

"Give In!"

The blood pumping through my ears started to fade as I focused on the man in front of me. Or more specifically; his jugular. The noise being replaced with a simple and steady beat.

Țepeș (BNHA x Vampire Knight crossover x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin