Chapter 6- Yash and Shruti

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As per plan Virat and Sai need to start behave well with Shruti and Yash and preten to try to spend some time like they want to know he other perso well. It was quite easy for Sai as Yash is her colleagues and a good friend. They have already spend lot of time together. After this alliance it become a bit awkward for Sai but she can again think him as her friend start spending time. But for Virat it is quite difficult as he didnt knew Shruti at all. But he had to earn Shruti's trust for their plan.

As per plan Virat called Shruti and started to converse a little with her but he keep it less as he dont want her to develop a soft corner for him. When the elders come to know that Virat is talking with Shruti they become happy that finally their son is taking interest in marriage. Shruti and her parents also become happy. After talking with her for a few days he wanted to meet her in a romantic restaurant. Sai also spend some time with Yash in hospital canteen and after a week she also gave him proposal to dine in the same romantic restaurant.

At that evening Shruti was super exited to meet Virat. She met him twice or thrice maximum and talked with him for 3-4 days and he said that he wants to know her so he can decide if she matches his wavelength and he can spend his life with her. Her parents also asked her to prepare for the meeting well. She chose to wear a morden gown style anarkali salwar for the meeting as neither want to show him that she is too modern or too traditional. She also kept her makeup subtle with open hair. She reached the restaurant a little early as she didnt want Virat to wait for her.

Yash was also exited for the meeting. Meeting Sai is not new for him but that day he ws not meeting his junior or friend Sai but his finance Sai. He wanted to assure her that though they are friends not lovers but they will be happy and will soon feel for each other. She has seen him maximum time either in casulas or OT scrubs so he choose formal for this special meeting. He gor ready in formal three piece suit and reached early.

Virat and Sai booked their respective tables so they booked these two tables beside each other. They also booked another table a little away where a couple siting and ready to spend a romantic dinner. It looked like from the far that the couple is having their beautiful tie but that was not true the couple was there to play cupid in this master pan. The couple was Virat's childhood best friend Sunny and his girlfriend Deepa. They were choose to be present tere as none Shruti or Yash know them. Among Yash and Shruti Yash reached first and after a few minutes Shruti comes.

As per plan Virat and Sai didnt reach on time. Virat called Shruti nearly half an hour of schedule meeting time and said "I am sorry Shruti there some emergency come so I am late. I am still in police station, if you want you can leave or wait for me for some more time. I am really sorry for make you wait for this long." Shruti said that she would like to wait for him. On te otherside Sai also managed one of her colleagues who informed the hospital administration that she is not feeling well and couldnt perform her duty. Sai was leavin the hospita to meet Yash but at this moment there was an important operation scheduled so the hospital administration requested Sai to perform the operation. Sai informed that to Yash but as it was a less time consuming operation Yash decided to wait for her.

After nearly 1 hour of wait both Yasha and Shruti come to know that their companion are unable to come to he restaurant. Shruti being emotional person stared to cry. Yash noticed the nervous girl waiting for someone from long back. When he saw her crying he come to her table and asked "Re you fine?" Shruti looked towards the stranger and said "oh actually I was waiting for a person and he couldnt come." Yash smiled "might be he get struc in soe emergency. Actually I was also waiting for my friend but she also couldnt reach." with this they started conversation. Shruti requested Yash to set with her as she get some support from him. Yash asked her "you havent dine yet so I didnt can we dine together as a memory of this night?" she agreed.

The cupid couple gave some instruction to the restaurant stuff and they presented a beautiful cake and some starter drinks in their table. When they were denying the stuff said that it was pre booked in that table. As per instruction the stuff presented some romantic music around the table and the other couple showed off some public display of affection. Soon they finished their dinner and Yash offered Shruti to dropin her home. Before bidding each other goodbye they exchanged their numbers and promised to stay connected. 

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