Chapter 4- Lovers are in trouble

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Virat and Sai are in trouble. Both their families selected a bride and groom for them respectively. Virat talked with Shruti and Sai with Yash and understood they are okey with the alliance. They were in great dilemma how to manage  the situation. In such situation Virat and Sai decided to meet in a cafe and bran strom for ideas. 

Sai reached first and texted Virat. Virat informed her that he get stuck with traffic and will be a little late. It was asmall peaceful cafe both of them like a lot for its ambience an quality food. She went to the counter and ordered a mocktail for herself. While she was waiting for her drink in the cafe counter she was admiring the poster and logo of the cafe. She really admires the art work of this cafe. When the owner cum head chef Rachna delvered her her glass Sai said “nice artwork and logo Rachna.” 

Rachna smiled politely and said “thank you but all credit goes to my friend who did all these single handedly. She is a talented graphic designer.” at that moment a woman in sharee entered the cafe and Rachna indicate the woman and said “here she come.” Sai looked back to see the beautiful woman. The woman walked towards Rachna and askd “what are you talking about me?” Sai said “I was praising the artwork, posters and logo of the cafe so she said you did it.” 

The woman smiled politely and thanked Sai. Rachna introduced them saying “this is my friend Patralekha she was co founder of Ink Design and ths is Dr. Sai Joshi she is a regular customer and a good food critic.” Sai looked towards Patralekha and said “Ink Design is a very well known graphic designing company. Our hospital has a contract with them. For ths purpose I went there a few times but I never saw you there. Will you design our advertises? Patralekha left heavy breath and said “I left working 2 years ago after my marriage. Now Rohan and Lara handles the company.”

Sai asked with astonishment “you are an excilnt designer why you left working?marriage is nt end of a professional career. Dont your husband support you?” Patralekha smiled towards her and  and showed  a table “thats my husband Samrat, he is a very good man and want to support me but in my in-law’s place daughter-in-law if he house dont work after marriage. Its their tradition.” both of them felt bad for Patralekha and her talent and stay silent for  a minute. 

Suddenly Sai felt that somebody hugged her fro behind and said “Sorry sorry I kept you waiting for long Sai.” both Sai and Patralekha uttered at the same time “Virat”. Virat looked towards Patralekha and asked “What are you doing here Pakhi?” Sarat also walked towards them and stood beside Patralekha he said “What are you doing this Virat?” 

They occupied a table in a corner of the cafe. Virat introduced Samrat and Patralekha as his brother and sister-in-law cum friend. He also told them about his and Sai’s relationship. Sai also told them about her mother fixing her marriage with her colleague Yash. 

Pakhi slapped her head and said “what a mess! Now what should we do? I myself find Shruti ths idiot havent told anything to us.” Virat told “ok I am idiot but if you knew could you have managed Kaku?” she said “I could have slow down the process and later place Sai’s profile” Virat mocked her “ha ha ha how intelligent you are!! If you have placed Sai’s profile in front of her she woud have said you Patralekha you being the eldest daughter in law of this house also dont learn anything you choose a doctor for this family? And what would have you done with Sai’s mother to like me? Hipntise her?” 

Samrat stopped all of them and said “ guys its not a time to fight we need to think what we could do to handle this situation.” Sai injected “we need to do something for Patralekha di also, she is a talended graphic esigner and talent should not be wasted.” all looked towards her that she is thinking about Patralekha’s career when her life is at a mess. 

Hidden AffairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora