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I was walking down my block on the way to school when I heard a very familiar voice.

"Y/n!" I heard. I turned around immediately and saw Mike running towards me. (Fact: Anthony Michael Halls actor name was actually supposed to be Michael Anthony hall so she calls him Mike for short).

He sped up and eventually caught up with me. "Morning" he said. "Morning" I said back. "Bet your excited for school" he said sarcastically with a goofy face. "Shut up" I laughed.

"You doing anything after school?" He said trying not to sound eager. "Oh yeah, I need to study and get a shit ton of work in" I said. He scowled. "Come on, your always doing work, work, work you never have time to hang out anymore" he said all whiny. "It's literally only the second week of school, I need to stay on track" I say back. "Plus, we hang out like, every weekend"

He groans. There's a silence for about 10 seconds after that but then he breaks it and says "Next week?" He asked. I tried not to roll my eyes and remembered his innocence. "Okay" I say. He tries not to smirk.

When we get to school. We both head to our first hour (We have the same one).

"Everyone, hush up now!" My teacher said. Her name was Mrs. Simpson. She was in her 30/ with long wavy brown hair. She had a pretty funny personality so far.

"Quiet Mr. Parker" she said to Evan. Evan was just another stupid kid in our class who would never shut up. He was funny though, but not as funny as our class clown, Mike. Aka my best friend.

Once the class was silent our teacher began to instruct. "We will be studying our vocabulary words today in our partners I assigned pair up!" She said with her raspy voice. My partner was Andrea, she's somewhat popular but we get along pretty well.

I went over and sat in the spot next to her. Behind her was Mikes partner, Randall. Mike sprinted towards the chair next to him and sat down obnoxiously. No matter what Mike did, with every move he took in our class, he always made it funny.

"Heyy y/n" Andrea said to me. Her face was fake tanned with hot pink cake scented lip gloss. She had shoulder length brownie shaded hair with layers that were always styled.

"Hey, did you study last night?" I asked. Andrea looked at me with the face that most girls would understand. "No not at all" she shook her head and laughed.

"Same!" I stammered with a feeling of weight being lifted off my chest. "Like what the fuck is circumvent??" I said. She shrugged.

"Randy! Randoid" Mike yelled to Randall patting him on the back. Randall was often quiet but wasn't emotionless. He had glasses and regular looking brown hair.

"Let's read this list and guess the definitions!" Mike said. He always made his voice overly loud so he could catch my attention. It was kind of cute.

Me and Andrea turned around. "Could you be talking any louder?" Andrea laughed.

He looked back at her with an obnoxiously wierd look. "No actually, your not going to.." he thought for a moment. "E-EXTINGUISH Me, LULL me" he looked at the teacher and then back at us. We laughed. "Isn't that, like, what that means?" He said.

"Lull is to make someone fall asleep" I said trying not to laugh. "Oh" he said. A ring of laughter was heard around the class. He wasnt really always looking for attention, but didn't mind it at all.

"Mmmokay so top of the list we have.." he squinted his eyes at the paper he just grabbed. "Civilization?" He said. Some people were looking at him and expecting an answer. "A cult. That's a cult" he said.

A few of the girls who "had a little crush on him" started to giggle. I never really minded people like that since none of them had what I had with him.

80s Anthony Michael hall x readerWhere stories live. Discover now