Character Info!

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Name: Sallie

Aliases- Red/ Sal/ Foxie/ Niánqīng de húlí  (young fox)

Age: 22

Species: Nine tailed fox celestial

Pronouns- They/ Them

Favourite food- Tokoroten Noodles

Weapon- Dual daggers with a red handle and white accents


Sallie is a vitiligo with red markings covering their body; these variations of markings consist of swirl markings on their cheeks (supposedly to represent whiskers), A red line going down the centre of their face. They have white short curly hair and two relatively small ears on their head which are tipped in red. Sallie’s hair goes in front of their eyes and they are not often seen because of their hair.  Their tails are white and have red accents in their tail fur.

They typically wear the same thing which is a dark red shirt with one cream coloured sleeve while the other appears to have been burnt off. Sallie’s shirt has a star shaped hole in the chest area of their shirt with a white outline circling around it. With their shirt they have a turquoise coloured ribbon tied around their waist, which is tied into a bow and frayed at the edges. Their pants end below the knee and are fairly baggy, and from the bottom of the pants, bandages are wrapped tightly around their legs and feet.  They typically wear small jewellery which consists of small gold bracelets and one bracelet that is made up of small rocks. (supposedly from their companion)


Sallie is a calm and collected person who only protects over fighting. They’d be like the mom friend of the group. Although under their calm presence they are very curious about everything and actually quite hyper when they want to be. Sallie tends to pile up their problems instead of dealing with them and bottle up their feelings until they break which is bad for not only their mental health but also their physical because their power can hurt them if not tamed properly.


When the nine tailed fox’s were about they each had 9 different powers, most of them were different to one another but when the population began to die out because of their destructive behaviour the magic seemed to seal away into one and was passed down onto whoever they believed could contain it and control it. The last holder before Sallie was Rena.

A red tinted barrier or force field
Small distance teleportation
Soul finding
Light manipulation
Mind control

As some of the names of these abilities are not very descriptive i'll explain the ones that aren't so obvious.

Soul finding:

Soul finding is where if Sallie goes into a deep state of meditation and concentrates on the people around them they can see where they are or how the person may be feeling.  For example; if Sallie was to look for our favourite chaotic duo of Mk and Mei their colours would be an orange colour with gold swirls for Mk and for Mei it would be bright green with small zaps of green electricity radiating from it.

Light Manipulation:

Light manipulation works basically the same as how Macaque would use his shadows, they can conjure up replicas of themselves or other people or anything they want really. They can use Portals and can trap someone in a bright white space to either trap them or talk to that person individually. But there is a downside to this power, there has to be some form of light for it to work, whether it be fire lit, sunlit, or electricity. It doesn't matter, magic can only work when there’s light around.


Name: Coral

Aliases: Co/ Hǎi yāo (Siren of the sea)

Age: 23

Species: Half water Siren demon and Half human

Pronouns: He/Him

Favourite food: Salmon and Shirataki Noodles

Weapon: A spear decorated with shells and old scraps of metal


Coral is a dark skinned person with blue and turquoise coloured scales randomly placed on his skin. Co has dark brown curly hair which he has braided into one long braid that starts at the back of his head and ends at his hips. He has three large scars, one over his right eye, one that starts on his nose bridge and ends in the middle of his left cheek. He has, instead of whites in his eyes, he has orange with yellow pupils. Co’s tongue is split similar to that of a snake and he has very sharp teeth.  He also has odd fish like ears which he also has pierced.

He often wears a high cropped shirt that is usually black in colour and tattered with tears in its fabric, its sleeves are stitched into gloves. He normally wears baggy jeans with smaller tears in them with white converse shoes that are stained with what looks to be old blood and dirt. Coral wears a lot of jewellery, he wears rings and bracelets, even having his nose pierced and having his lip pierced as well. Although he is always seen wearing a gold threaded necklace with two small white beads and a shell as its main decoration.

Coral can come off as rude with his arrogant and cocky attitude, he doesn't intend to be this way though it's just how he acts as a person. He is respectful of people’s boundaries and keeps his promises. He is a man of his word. Co can get overprotective when his friends are threatened in any way and will fight for them by any means to protect them. He often gets concerned for people if he notices anything wrong and will let you vent to him if needed.

He gossips about everything and everyone and knows anything and everything that goes on, we don't know how he knows, he just does. He has an odd sense of humour that sometimes weird people out but he doesn't seem to care and he speaks his mind. However due to this behaviour he has lost friends and gotten threats and bullied over the years, he calls it a lesson for his arrogant nature but it isn't and he knows it. Coral now uses his humour and cocky behaviour as a coping mechanism.

Magic/ Abilities:

Because he is only half of siren demon his magic is limited but is good enough for him to handle himself.


Water manipulation
Stronger sense of hearing
Size manipulation

Size manipulation:

Size manipulation works in a way that he can turn either himself or other people bigger or smaller, he often only uses this to annoy people or when he’s bored. This magic can be used on himself, other people, animals and intimate objects.

That should be all my lovelies! Ask any question if needed, I'm excited to start this and I apologise for any upcoming long waits! <3

Love you all! Don't forget to take care of yourselves!


Hopeless Romantics of Red songs (LMK OC INSERTS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora