Date - 09/09/2021

2 0 0

Dear Storm,

I think I cause you more trouble than I'm worth. Yet you're still here and I just can't understand why. I feel as though I'm such a nuisance to you. You're young and an upcoming successful business owner and yet you're settling for less. And I'm old and you... you're way out of my league. I just don't understand.

I'm like a disease. I ruin everything I touch and I'm always causing trouble for you. I'm sorry. I've also been neglecting you and I'm sorry.

That's such a constant factor for me. Our ages.. it's like you could do so much better than me and I'm not evens pretty. I'm just average.  You have your whole life to live but you're holding onto me so tightly. And I can't understand why you want me or why you love me. There are other more beautiful and young girls your age.

I don't understand why.
Why would you even love me?
How could you even love me?

If you knew how much I wanted to die,
Would you still love me the same?


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