I - Am I Falling In Love?..

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Neymar being the son of rich business man Mr. Santos but neymar wanted to be independent person like a normal person and his father accept him by dealing the contract that he would marry whomever his hand wants neymar agreed and signed the contract saying that he would marry only lionel messi the great business man's son. Neymar never saw leo bit leo knew neymar. Without telling neymar his real identity, he became friend with neymar but neymar never let anyone touch jom because of the contract . His dad announced his wedding, he was not happy nor sad, ney felt normal but deep down he miss lionel.... After seeing leo was his husband he couldn't believe. After they confessed..they looked at each other not leaving their gaze.

- Neymar's POV:

I look in His beautiful gorgeous dark brown eyes. I run my fingers over his hair, It was fluffy and soft. Leo looked at him as i cutt of the silence by saying "I love you Leo .." I said softly As he looked at him softly leaning down.

- Leo's POV: I look into his amazing dark green eyes.. He runs his fingers into my hair..  . As he cutted the silence by saying "I love you Leo.."  my eyes soften and i leaned down at him..

(Ney is smaller than Leo btw ! If you don't like top Leo and bottom ney if you want leave!)

Neymar smiles as Leo leaned down there faces was inches away . And Leo whispers "I love you more Ney.." Neymar blushes and pecks his cheeks

Leo's POV:      Ney pecks my cheeks and i smile. I cup my hands on his face..and I lean closer to be close to his face..

Neymar's POV:    My lips slowly touches his as we kissed..we kept kissing for awhile...We kissed for 1 minute.. we stopped for gasping for air and blushing

Leo's POV:   His lips touched mine as we kissed for awhile..he kissed me for 1 minute i eventually kissed back..we stopped kissing to gasp for air

(A/N well Itz_Neymessi Helped me with this plot i haven't finished it there is more 18+ thingys and that was a lot of words like 370 words. LOL/ more ideas)

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