Chapter Two

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POV: Hayden

I slowly opened my eyes. Why am I laying in bed? OH MY GOD. I sat up quickly, wincing when I felt the pain in my shoulder

"MOM!!! You're awake!" I heard my daughter say, as I looked at her. Her eyes were red and swollen. 

"Oh, my baby, I am ok. I am right here," I said as she came closer to me. "Baby, you can hug me, I won't break." I said as she slowly sat next to me, wrapping her arms around me.

"Hades, oh my god, you're awake! Mom, Dad!! Hades is awake." I heard my twin yell.

"Really Harp?" I said, glaring at her. She had always been the loudest.

"Oh, my baby, thank goodness you're awake. How do you feel, do you need anything? Let me get the doctor." Mom said, rushing out of the room.

"Hi bug," my Dad said, kissing my head. 

"Dad, where is Sky?" I asked quietly, and I watched my Dads head fall. "Dad, no, please tell me she made it?!"

"Shhh, bug, she is alive. She was hit two times, one through her back, another through her shoulder. It was the shot to her shoulder that hit you. They were able to repair the damage to her shoulder. She will be immobile for a while, but she is alive, and that is all that matters."

"Ahh, Nurse McKenize, Dr. McKenize, good to see you awake. Did you Dad tell you your injuries?"

"Just that a bullet ricocheted off Sky and hit me. What's the damage?"

"You have some minor damage to the bone, we are going to put you in a sling for a few weeks."

"When can I leave this bed?"

"You are free to go now, I figure you want to see your sister."

"Please," I said, as I went to stand up.

"Hayden, let's use a wheelchair for now." Dad said softly.

"Dad I can walk, I am fine." I said and then saw the look on his face. I saw a man that almost lost two daughters, and I gently sat in the wheelchair, letting my Dad push me to see Skylar.

As we made our way down the hall, two police officers approached us.

"Ms. McKenzie, I am Det. Potter and my partner, Det. Davenport, may we ask you some questions?"

"Gentlemen, I would really like to see my sister, then I will try and answer whatever questions you may have, but in all honesty, my sister's assistant would probably know more."

"Are you talking about Derek Anderson?"

"Yes sir."

"The last victim. He is currently unconscious, as is your sister."

"Ok, what do you need to know?" I said, a little put out with these officers, but I know they are just doing their job.

"Do you know the shooter? Know why he would want to kill you, or your sister?"

"My sister and I were just coming back from lunch, when we saw him pull the gun on Derek, and my sister tried to talk to him. She has the amazing ability to put everyone at ease, but he just kept saying she killed his wife."

"The shooter, his wife was one of my daughter's cases. She had been on the list for awhile, and she was recently removed, as she no longer qualified. My daughter said the woman's husband was distraught at the news. The wife died a few weeks ago, and he has been making threatening calls to my daughter. She reported it to our security."

"Did she contact the police?"

"Not to my knowledge."

"Thank you both for your time, we will be in touch."

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