I was fucking useless back then, I don't even know what I'm going to say to bird brain when I see her again. Although, I know damn well she won't blame me; she will simply be happy I'm unharmed and safe.

What I'm more worried about, is that I know her too damn well. She is not just sitting at the hospital bed waiting for the heroes to act. Shitty hair, too. They are surely planning on something if not already planned. I only hope they aren't anywhere near here or I'm killin' them both.

I feel something sneaking up my body; I thought it was mask freak but it's actually...wood? "What the hell!?"

"All Might! I got him!" Kamui Woods' quirk. The branches reach both villains, brainwiper too, holding them captive.

Another hero passes past me; Edgeshot, who uses his power to pierce through the villains' chests.

"If you don't want to die, I suggest you don't move. Gran Torino!"

I don't know that hero but he's pretty old and short, though, with those feet that release air, I assume, he was able to hit all three of them, making them lose consciousness.

"Hey, we had an agreement about her!" Hawks says, rushing to her.

"Sorry, Hawks," The old man says. "We need to confirm that ourselves."

As if that wasn't enough, I feel something strange coming out of my lips. It's dark and flows about my body as though attempting to swallow me. It reminds me of that nasty slime monster who tried to steal my quirk.

I thought it was another hero's doing but...When it fades, I find myself in another location, with the entire League of Villains in front of me. There's a tallass man with a creepy mask apologizing to me for some reason.

I look around the city, trying to orient myself. I don't see any trace of the cops or the heroes who were back at their hideout, which means we're too far away from them. But there are other heroes here.

Best Jeanist, who scouted me from the sports festival, Mt. Lady, that man from the Pussycats from the training camp and others, along with a couple policemen. All wounded, on the ground, unconscious.

It doesn't take long for spoonbill and All Might to get there, attacking that creep directly. What surprises me is that he was able to hold him back with his bare hands. So, that guy's the villains' boss.

Spoonbill grabs me quickly, stopping mid-air because of patchwork's flames circling the area. "I'm not done with you yet, Hawks."

"All for One!" All Might says. "I will take Bakugo back and, this time, I will throw you in prison for sure, along with all the League of Villains you control!"

"There's so much to do," The man, All for One says while raising his arm as it inflates with black and red sparks blowing around it. "It'll be hard for both of us."

The moment All Might makes contact with him, strong air compressed from him, sending him away with a single blow. It even put the fire around us out.

I gasp once I notice he's not even inside the range of the battlefield when the dust clears. "All Might!"

"Even without your worry, he won't die from something like that." He says. "So, run away from here, Tomura, and take that child with you." Spoonbill tries to escape us once again but this time I see black tendrils that have red prominent cracked lines extending from All for One's fingers, reaching up to him and piercing multiple places on his upper body. "Sorry, Hawks, that child is needed and I'm afraid Medea needs to be punished for betraying the League."

"Don't kill him," Patchwork says approaching us. "He's dying from my hands." I stand in front of them, positioning myself to fight him. "Tell me, Hawks– What will happen if I burn the area on my right?"

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