Meeting. <3

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Affogato is a prince, younger brother of Dark Choco. He was eager to be king someday. To help thy who starve and thy who are homeless. He wanted the power so badly but knew he had to wait.

Growing up, he read fairy tales. Mainly about sirens or princes and princesses. He had heard rumors of sights of sirens, but his father said it wasn't true.
He walked through the hallways, looking for his brother. Dark Choco had always told him about the sights.

He walked to Dark Choco's room.

"Ah, yes Affogato?"
"Can you tell me about the sirens? What are they like? Have you saw one before?"
"I've heard one, but you should never follow their singing. They lure humans to their demise."
"Ohh alright."
"If you hear singing, make sure you don't follow it. You may listen to it, but not go to it. Understood?"
"Sirens are said to be murderous towards humans. They let people go when thy give something shiny."
"Now go to bed, father won't be happy with you being up so late."
"Aww alright, bye bye!"

Affogato left, he ran for his room and jumped into his bed.
He went to sleep.

(*Timeskip; 2 years later.*)

Affogato was just playing with Caramel Arrow in the throne room with their dad watching. Dark Choco came into the room.

"Yes, father. You called me?"
"I sure did, your crowning is soon. Are you prepared for it?"
"No, I do not wish to be crowned."
"I don't think it is necessary for me to be king, as in I want to be my own person."
"It's the rules Choco, you know it's been like this for years."
"I want to be normal, dad. I don't want to be king!"
"Dark Choco, I raised you so you were ready for this and you don't want to be crowned. How would your mother feel about this?"
"Do not bring up mom."
"Your mother wanted you to be king, she would not of died for your sake."

Dark Choco swung his sword at Dark Cacao.
Affogato and Caramel Arrow hugged eachother tight as they were scared about what just happened.

"You insolent welp..I want you banished from the kingdom-!"
"I was already planning on leaving."

Dark Choco went over to Caramel and Affogato and gave them a bracelet.

"I'm sorry you guys, I'll be back for you two."
"B-but-" Affogato muttered.
"Shhh, it's okay."
"Bye bye Choco, please be safe."
"Cya Caramel, bye Affogato."

Dark Choco left, leaving Affogato in tears. Caramel went to go get nurses for Dark Cacao. Affogato ran to his room.
Affogato never saw Dark Choco again. He began to become more self-centered and more quiet to the rest.

(*13 years later.*)

Affogato was taking a walk at night. He was never allowed to go near the beach but he didn't care.
Walking up to the shore, he sat down by the water. Thinking about everything going on. His father was more strict and barely ever left the castle.
He put his hands into the water to feel the temperature.
He heard singing.
It was coming from a big rock farther into the water.
Affogato walked closer, but didn't continue.

"Come closer, I won't bite."

Affogato was tempted, but knew something.


"Show yourself."

The thing stopped singing. Affogato noticed a fin showing on the side of the rock.

"Are you a siren.?"
"If you come closer you'll get your answer."
"Show your face."
"You humans are annoying."

The thing turned around. It had olive eyes and tanned skin. The thing wore a bunch of jewelry.

"Wanna come closer now~?"
"Why don't you come over here?"
"....oh my divines."

The thing jumped into the water and appeared Infront of me. It got out of the water and smoke appeared. A human with little to no clothes showed itself.

"Put some clothes on-!"
"I'd gladly steal yours~."
"But that crown of yours, is quite shiny. Can I have it?"

The thing stepped back in shock.

"Don't yell at me, that's disrespectful."

It walked around affogato, checking him out.

"You smell like food, do you have any?"
"Just a f-"

It jumped on him and searched for it.

"Gotcha! Finally some food."
"You haven't ate?"
"I haven't ate in...1 week?"
"Let me treat you to some food then-!"
"But I'm a siren you're supposed to hate me."
"I read a lot about sirens, you guys are so cool!"
"We are just smarter than humans, but seemingly we don't get much food anymore so we resorted to eating them cause it lasted a month!"
"Why aren't you trying to eat me?"
"You're the son of royalty, if I did I would get caught."
"Now feed me Mr. Prince, I'm hungry."

Affogato got up and left. The creature returned to the water and waited. Affogato brought a whole bunch of food.

"Siren, I brought you some."
"You can call me Eclair, but WOAH THATS ALOT-"
"The most I can do, but you must give me something in return."
"What do you want?"
"I want to know about my brother, where is he?"
"Dark Choco was it? He's alright, I see him wandering the forest with a group of odd looking cookies."
"Alright, thanks."

Eclair grabbed some of the food and dived into the water. He returned to grab the rest.

"Thanks a lot human, I really needed to feed my brothers and myself."
"Yea, I'm the youngest out of three. I am in charge of getting food cause they are growing weak."
"Oh alright."
"Well if you can keep your mouth shut, I'll bring you too your brother. But you cannot saw word to anybody."
"I understand, good bye eclair."
"Cya human!"

Eclair swam back into the water with the rest of the food. Affogato stared in shock

'i just talked to a siren!'

Affogato jumped around happy, he later left to go back home.
All he thought about was the siren. Its beautiful face, it's voice. He wanted to see it again, but knew he had to return once a week.


1035 words!

Wonder where this one encounter can lead to 👀.

A Siren's Call..(Affoclair) (BEING RE-WRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now