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Nathan Maloley

Thursday, 8:49am:

"That's her." Jodie smirks, watching Daisy walk around and take people's orders - unfortunately, we had already been served.

"Right, Skate," Sam snaps his fingers in front of my face for my attention. "What you're going to do is, call her over to serve you and get a drink or somethin', make conversation and I don't care if she's busy with work or not, we're not leaving until you two have spoke about somethin' other than coffee." He instructs, I roll my eyes.

"Sam I've got a coffee already, it'll look a bit weird having two coffees in the space of five minutes."

He rolls his eyes dramatically, grabs my coffee and places it in front of him. "Problem solved," he smirks. "Oh, Skate where has your coffee gone? You better order a new one." He chuckles.

As Daisy turns to put money in the cash register, I awkwardly wave my hand and nod to indicate she needs to serve me. She nods her head in return, smiles before cashing the money and walking over to me.

She looks beautiful, in yet another turtleneck. "Hi, sir, what can I getcha?" She asks, getting ready to write on her notepad.

"U-Uh a c-coffee please, and is there a-anything you can recommend to e-eat?" I feel my face heating up, I want to punch a wall for sounding so childish and immature. What can't I speak to her without stammering?

"Oh that's a toughie," she giggles, leaning over me to grab the menu. She smells amazing. "What about the waffles with a side of any fruit and whipped cream? Or pancakes?" She suggests, pointing to the options on the menu.

"W-Waffles sound good, waffles s-sound really good." I nod, running my fingers through my hair.

"Okay so a coffee and waffles, what fruit would you like with that?" She asks, writing it down on her notepad.

"Uh strawberries p-please." Almost stammer free.

"Coming right up." She smiles before walking off.

"Well, our job is done." Jodie announces as she and Sam stand up to leave.

"Yo no, don't just leave me." I plead, quickly thanking Charlotte as she cleans up the empty coffee cups that Jodie and Sam had.

"Dude you come here every day alone, what's the difference?" Jodie asks, shrugging on her jacket.

"Fine," I sigh. "Fuck you guys, I don't need you." I mutter, Jodie giggles and kisses my cheek before leaving with Sam.

They didn't even pay for their coffees, I suppose I'll have to pay.

I take out my notepad to clear my mind.

Dear Daisy,

I don't know why I expect you to reply, you never will for two reasons; you don't even know who this is - who I am - and how could you reply when I haven't gave you anywhere to leave your response without finding out who I am.

I wish I could, I'm too much of a coward though.

I notice your bruises, I notice everything, is somebody hurting you? You seem pretty deep in love with your boyfriend, it can't be him.

That was creepy, I'm sorry - I saw you in the bar last night. I'm not creeping on you.

Please tell somebody, call the cops or something if you're being hurt, I don't like the thought of you being hurt.

Love, anonymous x

• • •

Want another story of mine? Go check omaha_girls out which a collab account, I'm sharing a book with the wonderful natesqueen called Panties so go check it out (:

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Twitter// yxbxtch

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