Chapter 38

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Lena pointed her finger at us and shouted at us.

"What kind of trick did you use? How did you get in here? I'm going to scream! Get out of here! What are you going to do to me-."


When Emily tried to step up after seeing Lena, who had no sign of reflection, I hurriedly stopped her.

"Emily, I'm sorry, but can you leave for a moment?"


Emily seemed displeased, but as always, she did me a favor.

"Calm down, Lena."

"Really? You crazy girl! I'm stuck here because of you, how can I calm down! What the hell did you do! Why did the jewel come out of my room? It should have come out of your room-"

"Why is that coming out of my room? It's like you hid jewelry in my room to drive me away as a criminal."


Only then did Lena realize what she had said and shut up.

I immediately erased my cold expression and showed a sign of being genuinely sad.

"Calm down, Lena. I'm not here to fight you."

"-What? Then why did you come here?"

"I'm here to help you."

Lena showed signs of frustration at the unexpected words.

"I was able to come in here because I was close to the gatekeeper. I want to talk to you, Lena."

I gave a reason for entering this place without difficulty. I had to erase Lena's boundary first.

"...Why did you want to meet me so much?"

I smiled passionately at her words. I decided to pretend to be pitiful, as if I was forced to endure my sadness.

"Lena, it was only yesterday that we met, but I was so grateful that you took good care of me."

What do you take care of?

I decided to pretend that I had forgotten all of her attitudes that she had longed for me.

"So I never thought you'd ever steal a jewel, so I'm here to help you-"

I deliberately blurred the end of the sentence.

"...But Lena, I didn't know you'd hide the jewels in my room."


"Why did you do that?"

Lena didn't answer right away. I wasn't surprised because it was expected.

"It's strange no matter how I think about it. Why did you, who saw me yesterday, put jewels in my room-"

"So, Rosie, you tell me. Why did that jewel come out of my room? It's like you made it up. Are you here to make fun of me?"

"What are you talking about, Lena? I don't know anything about the jewel! Why would I hide the jewel in your room?"

Of course, I was the one who put the jewels in her room during Lena's absence.

However, I expressed my resentment with my whole body pretending to know nothing.

"Then why are the jewels in my room-"

"That's strange. Lena, there's no way you'd have left it by yourself in your room, unless someone else knew about it-"

I tilted my head as if I really didn't know.

However, Lena seemed to have hardened with shock, perhaps because she had a corner to point out.

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