Akhila has had enough

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6 months later

Akilandeshwari's POV

It has been six months since I discovered that I was pregnant. It has not been easy, especially the second trimester was quite challenging but it will be worth it in the end. I was hoping for a boy but the men in this family are rather.... lets just say crazy. It had been very difficult to work while I was pregnant and obviously this family wasn't any help. They never let me have a single moment of peace. My husband is being as useless as ever. I have been trying my best to make him understand how important good vibes and pleasant surroundings are during pregnancy.

He is mad at me because I have banned him from keeping alcohol in the house. I mean who gets mad at their pregnant wife? The main reason I did that was because he had teenage siblings in the house and if I had not put a stop over it, Vijaya or Sriram may take after him. Being the oldest he should set a better example and behave in a more responsible manner. Recently I also realized what an ice-cream addict he was. He forgets to bring me red velvet ice cream every time. He also sneaks out to finish the snacks every night, who is pregnant, me or him?

Narrator's POV

The family was sitting at the dinner table. Krishnan and Sriram looked as grumpy as ever. Rajagopal had got a promotion and had bought Sriram an costly pen to make up for every single year of bad birthday gifts (and to become the favorite brother). Krishnan was suspecting that Carol was the one who gave him the gift (he did not try to hide his suspicions). He had directly confronted Sriram about it and had received a very rude reply as expected. Krishnan was looking for an opportunity to pounce on Sriram. He got that golden opportunity while Sriram was continuously looking at his phone while eating. He was actually only browsing on YouTube but it did not stop Krishnan.

"Do not look at your phone while eating." he commanded. "What are you doing? Texting Carol? She is a really bad influence,  besides you are not allowed to have a girlfriend."

Vijaya was about to stand up for her friend but she had no time as there soon was a full fledged argument between Krishnan and Sriram

Sriram equally furious replied "Just because you don't have a girlfriend does not mean that I should not." 

This was the last straw for Krishnan, he grabbed the phone from Sriram and told him he need not have dinner if this is how he was going to behave. Sriram stormed off. 

Akilandeshwari was looking forward for a quiet dinner. "Can't you guys stop bickering for once, I have told you all plenty number of times that the baby needs good vibes." she said "Aren't you going to do anything" she asked turning to her husband. "Already I am not allowed to drink in the house what next?" he asked in a careless manner.

"I can't bear this anymore I am going to stay in my parents' house until the baby is born." Akhila stated.

"But... we have to spend the last trimester together." Shiva tried to reason. "I have asked everyone to calm down." he said quite truthfully.

"Calm down, Calm down, Calm down, that is the only thing you say, isn't it, I have made the decision I am leaving to my parents' house tomorrow after breakfast, and that is final"

The next day at breakfast Sriram was still in a bad mood. Akhila had packed everything, and was quietly having breakfast. Sriram and Vijaya started arguing over something dumb as usual, and Krishnan lost his temper again. Gopal and Sathya were the only people who behaved sensibly that day. Shiva was still upset. Akhila tried to console him. She told him "If I stay hear these people will rub off on the child and he may end up like them." She stated this with such fear in her voice.

"What if he ends up like your brother" asked Sriram, Akilandeshwari had had enough, she would have normally lashed out at him. Sriram, being such a careless fellow himself had no right to comment on her brother. She took her bags and left.

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