Chapter 23

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Seonghwa's POV

I'm on my parents' office, because I'm here for my OJT. My parents are so protective of me, they don't want me to work on another company, telling me there might be another risk. I just send them some papers, then go back to my own. I sat down stare at the photo of Morgan on my desk. I smiled. "Guess who's smiling." I glance at the door, and saw Elise. The girl I met during dinner party.

I sighed. "What do you want?" She'll never leave me alone. She walk closer, and look at the picture of Morgan. She took it, while frowning. I'm getting enough. I was about to take it away from her, but she step back. I observed her expression, and it seems like she's trying to recognize her. My heart race, hoping I'll get an answer from her, since Yunho said, Dorothy's not sharing anything about Morgan. "Do you know her?"

She glance at me, then back to the picture. "I think I saw her." I quickly stand up, and walk towards her in close distance. I felt hope. I smiled, and look at her.

"Where? When?"

Her eyebrows raised, putting the picture back to my desk. My eyes followed her, waiting for respond. Please tell me, I thought, hoping she'll give me more good answer. "Is she important to you?" Her one eyebrow arched. She folded her arms, sitting on my desk.

I look down, then sadly smiled at her. "Yes, she's very important to me." Her face changed, she face the door instead of me. Her hands on her either side, supporting her from getting out of balance. "Tell me, Elise." I pleaded.

"I think it's few months ago, I don't remember where, but I think I've seen her." She rose up, straightening up. "See you later." She walk out of the office, leaving me disappointed. But at least, she have seen her. That means, she's somewhere close. I'll try stealing a chance of going to their apartment, maybe she's back there, since Charlotte is still living there.

Elise's POV

I'm sure, it's the pregnant girl I saw on ice cream parlour. If she's someone important to him, could that mean... she's the girl, he keeps talking about? That pregnant lady? I feel so frustrated, and throw the glass across the room. "Oh dang, chill Elise." Seobin told me. She called one of their maid making her clean the broken glasses.

"Can you hurry up? You're disgusting me!" Everything is disgusting me! And anytime I felt like throwing a havoc at anyone's house. Seobin throwing me an accusing gaze.

"Can you not be rude to our maids here?" She rolled her eyes at me, taking another sip of her champagne. "Why are you so mad?" She looked at me curiously.

"Remember the girl I told you?" She nodded slowly.


"I saw her picture on Seonghwa's desk. And he said, she's someone important to him!"

"Wait, didn't you said, that girl is pregnant?" I nodded at her, my brows knitted together. This is unacceptable. I don't want them to meet. "Then maybe, she's married with someone else, then Seonghwa can't accept it." She shrugged. It doesn't make sense, Seonghwa would always tell me he's waiting for her. And he's addressing her as his girlfriend.

My head hurt thinking about this. It's too much. I take another glass, wait for Seobin to pour me a champagne. I shake the glass in motion, and chug it down in frustration. "I'm sure, it's his girlfriend. But she's pregnant."

Seobin smiled at me. "What if she's cheating on him?" It grabbed my attention, thinking she has a point. Seonghwa kept on saying his girlfriend is coming soon, but she never came. So probably she's keeping it from him. But it could be the other way around. It could be, she's pregnant with his child. And if Seonghwa will hear about it, I will lose my chance.

The less he heard about her, the highest my chances are. I smirk at the thought, sipping on my glass of champagne. My goal should be, keep them away from seeing each other.

Charlotte's POV

I'm so tired. It's kinda exhausting to deal with a bunch of kids. However, I like that job. Once I got my license, I will work hard to teach kids and refrain myself from swearing. I couldn't hold it sometimes, but for the record when in front of kids, I can hold back myself from saying anything mean. And I have long patience with them than adults. They're frustrating than kids.

I have to go back to university for some paperwork, then after I can go home already. I wonder what Morgan is doing right now. I smiled at the thought, remembering how she would always wake me up early in the dawn. Thankfully, she's not doing it anymore. But still sometimes, she will asks for weird foods.

I walk through the hallway, I'm heading to teachers's faculty. "Charlotte!" I saw Hongjoong raised his hand at me, and I think he'll asks about Morgan again. This is literally our routine, everytime we meet, I would run away. I felt his hand on my elbow stopping me. "I already know." I froze, turning to face him slowly.


"I meet her on grandma's house." I blink, facepalming myself. We warned her many times about not going out alone, but still, she doesn't listen. Such a hardheaded lady. I sighed.  I'm still tired so I'm not in the mood to argue. "Can you give this to her?" He handed me something in a paper bag, I took it in curiosity, peeking inside. "It's strawberry flavored cupcakes."

"She told you she's craving strawberry?" I tilted my head, a small smile tug on my lips. He shook his head, making me back away a little. Then he chuckle, telling me it's a long story. "Okay, whatever. Bye." I walk past him, doing my business here at the teachers' faculty. After making sure, no work is left. I grabbed the paper bag, and get on the bus.

"Wow, a pretty car." I said to myself, scanning the beautiful black shiny car in front of our apartment. I climbed up the stairs, can't wait to flop on my bed. As I approach our flat, my eyes widen. I run towards our doorstep, holding the knob tightly so the person inside can't open it. "What are you doing here?!" I asked in too much surprised.

"I was just, checking if Morgan's here." His eyes fixed on the moving door. I just hope she'll give up. It's making it more difficult to hold. "Is she there?" I felt bad, but I made a promised to Morgan. So I can't let him see her, yet. His eyes is filled with hope, and longing. I bit my lips, shaking my head. "Oh... okay." He gulp, the small smile was washed away with sadness. "Please call me right away, if she ever comes back."

"I will, don't worry." He then left. He look back one last time, and smile sadly. I sigh in relief letting go of the knob.

"What--" I immediately covered her mouth, ushering her inside. And quickly close the door. I let go, glaring at her. "Why do you keep on knocking, then not letting me open the door." She sat on the sofa, annoyed. I laugh at her face, making her more annoyed.

"It's not me, it's Seonghwa." She gasped, standing up and ran out to the door.  I closed my eyes, following her behind. She's hiding, but I'm sure she can spot him. I saw the smile on her lips. She's waving her hand, despite Seonghwa not seeing her. I saw the same emotion on her eyes that I saw on Seonghwa. "Why won't you tell him already?" I asked out of the blue.

She caress her tummy, looking down at it. It's big now. I can't wait to see their child. "Let's wait until I give birth." I decided to respect her decision, and just go with the flow. I don't want to force her, I'm scared it will only stress her.

"Let's get inside."

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