Chapter 4

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~Exdee’s POV (Also a few weeks later)~

‘She’s still asleep huh? I won’t wake her. She’s been through a lot lately…’ I thought to myself as I ran my fingers through her hair gently. Her cat, Blizzard, had left a while ago and I had pulled her closer to me. Suddenly I sensed a presence outside the house. I carefully shook her awake. “Five more minutes…” She muttered.

I chuckled. “Someone’s here. Unless you want me to answer the door?” She sat up and rubbed her eyes and huffed. “Fine. I’m gonna go get it.” She added getting out of bed and I followed her to the door and she answered it. “Hmm? What did you need Sap?” 

They were talking in the living room for what seemed like hours! Y/n had told me to stay in the kitchen. I missed her already. ‘What is she doing to me!? I can’t describe this feeling but I don’t like it… I’m a god. I can’t be attached to a mere human… Right?’

They walked back into the kitchen but they both looked upset at each other. “Leave.” “Only if you come with me.” The black haired boy replied to her comment. She glared daggers at him. “You should go Sap. I don’t want to talk to you right now.” She said turning away from him.

He sighed but walked over to her, whispering something in her ear, which caused her expression to become more sad and upset. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.” Then he left. ‘What happened? I’ll ask later.’ She let out a heavy breath. “Blizzard! Come here girl!” She called for her cat, who came running into the kitchen.

She poured some food into the cat’s bowl. “Are you hungry Exdee?” She asked, turning to me. “I guess? I don’t know. Human feelings are confusing…” I muttered. She started giggling, which made my heart race. ‘What is going on!? Why do I feel like this?’ She turned around and started making food.

I walked up behind her and laid my chin on her shoulder and watched her cook. “Curious?” She asked, still smiling. ‘Her smile was adorable. Her hair was so soft. Her eyes were so mesmerizing that I could stare at them for hours. And her lip- WHAT AM I THINKING!?’ “Exdee? Are you okay?” Her voice dragged me out of my thoughts. I moved my head away from her shoulder immediately.

“Yup! I’m fine. It's nothing.” She laughed again before finishing the food. “What did you make?” “I made miso soup! I’ve been told I make the best Miso soup in the SMP by many people!” “I guess I’ll be the judge of that hmm?” I smiled. She laughed again. “I guess so!” She said, putting two bowls of it on the table. I sat down and started eating. 

~Y/n’s POV~

He took one bite and said, “They weren’t lying. This is the best I’ve ever tasted.” I laughed again. “Now I have a god’s approval of my famous Miso soup! Fun fact. This is my mother's recipe. It was passed down through generations!” He nodded, too focused on eating to speak. After a few minutes of silence we heard a knock on the door. Exdee seemed tense. “What’s wrong?”

Before he could answer there was another knock. “I’M COMING CHILL! Damn…” I said, annoyed. “I’ll be right back okay?” He nodded and continued eating as I walked to the door once I opened it I saw… “George? Why are you here so early?” “I heard you are friends with the god…” ‘Oh dear god not this again.’ “Yes I am. If you have an issue please just leave. Sapnap is already giving me crap about it.” I huffed in response to his statement. 

“I just wanted to talk to him, please.” George said, using puppy eyes. “God damn it George. You’re so lucky I love you. Platonically.” I added as we both laughed. I walked into the kitchen with George trailing behind me like a lost pup. “Exdee. You have a visitor.” I said as the god looked up from his bowl.

“Did you get seconds?” He nodded. “Anyways, you guys can talk. I’ll be back. I’m gonna go find Blizzard.” I said, leaving the room. I stood just out of sight but close enough to hear the conversation. “What are you doing here?” Exdee asked him. “You haven’t been talking to me as much since two days ago… I was worried about you Dre- Exdee.” I heard Exdee sigh. 

“I stopped going around you because you just see me as ‘Dream’ and use me for netherite and other materials.” “No I don’t!” “Y҉E҉S҉ ҉Y҉O҉U҉ ҉D҉O҉!҉!” He yelled, his voice becoming distorted and glitchy. It honestly scared me too. Exdee took a deep breath. “Look George, I know you’re going through a tough time with Dream in jail but I can’t be his replacement. It’s annoying. Now please leave me alone.”

Exdee ended the conversation and I immediately ran down the hall and grabbed Blizzard from the living room. Then returned to the kitchen. “I’m back!” I said, holding Blizzard close. The tension in the room was so thick you could probably cut it with a knife. 

“Well. I think I should be going Y/n… Bye!” George said, pushing past me and leaving the house. I just put on a confused face, even though I know exactly what happened. Exdee put his now empty bowl in the sink and walked over to me and leaned down and whispered in my ear. “I know you were there… N/n” For some reason the nickname made my heart race.

I looked away, trying to hide my red face. “What!? Pfft- You must be going insane! I would never-” “You’re a terrible liar. Drop the act.” He said standing up straight. “You sure are demanding.” “Stop changing the subject.” “I think I’m gonna go on a walk now- Bye!” I said, running to the door as he chased after me. 

Once I got outside I started running as fast as I could. But since I had drank any of the holy water the egg’s vines were also trying to grab me. “Y҉/҉n҉ ҉g҉e҉t҉ ҉b҉a҉c҉k҉ ҉h҉e҉r҉e҉!҉” I heard Exdee yell from behind me. “No! You're gonna yell at meeeee!” I responded, still running and not looking back.

After a while I thought I had lost him so I looked back. He wasn’t there. “I OUTRAN A GOD HAHAHAHAHA!” I cheered. But my celebration was cut short when a vine grabbed my ankle and my thoughts were flooded by a high pitched, ringing sound. “Agh!” I groaned as I fell to my knees and clutched my head. I tried to pull the vine off of my ankle but it wouldn’t budge…

Word Count: 1151

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