Flashback end

Erwin: "Levi everything alright?" "Yes Erwin. Can we go to Zackly now." "Don't be in a rush Levi. We still have 6 days left." "tch" After we gathered the cadets together, we entered the residence of Zackly. Zackly: "With which honour do I get a visit from the scout regiment?" Erwin: "Dear general we wanted to ask you some questions about your niece." "Which things?" "Tch. We know it." Zackly: "Than please come to my office." We followed Zackly into his office. Zackly "Take a seat." Erwin: "Thank you general." "I see you found out. But how?" Erwin: "Levi, do you want to explain?" "Of course commander. Yesterday in the early morning I was in the Mess hall. Suddenly she paid me a visit. We talked for a bit and suddenly when she looked into my eyes her eye color changed to black and she had a white pupil." "So she really found her mate like Urbel did. Congratulations Levi." Eren: "Sorry for interrupting but who is Urbel?" Zackly: "Urbel was her father. So what do you need to know?" Erwin: "We just want to know something about her and the powers of the other three. She invited us to play a game. If you want sir, you can read the letter she left behind." Zackly took the letter and started to read it. Zackly: "What happened?" Erwin: "It was our fault. We called them monsters" "Especially mine." Zackly: "What do you mean heichou Levi?" "I called her our enemy and she got angry." Zackly: "She might be mad, but she has the heart of her mother, so it wouldn't be a problem to change her vision. Maybe the arrogance of her father can be a problem." Erwin: "What does that mean sir?" Zackly: "Where do I start. Yes. You know about Urbel and Kaytlin? If not like I said they are her parents. Urbel was a wolf-devil and Kaytlin a vampire-angel. He got imprinted on her. Urbel was really fearful, and Kaytlin was quite the opposite. She was gorgeous and kindhearted. These two things inherited Lillith. So she could never be angry at everyone, especially at you heichou. But she won't come back easily. Is it true she requested you, Levi, to fight against her?" "Yes sir" "Like her dad. Her father didn't want to show merci. Somebody needed to challenge him. After he found his mate he didn't want to believe it and challenged Kaitlyn to a fight. Kaitlyn almost lost but she found out which things she could do as her mate to get him or rather tame him. But still he never killed any humans." Jean: "But why have Lillith, Toya, Tenko and Toga killed humans?" "She needs to drink a little amount of blood to survive, and I think in the underground you need to kill to survive. They were scared too. Scared of getting killed by humans without having done something. The king was just scared of them because they are more powerful than every titan existing. Urbel and Kaytlin gave me Lillith and her brother Jonathan to me. The only one still alive is Lillith. Jonathan overused his powers and got burned from inside out. Now she has his powers and how it looks like she finished developing her powers. She found her mate and it's only possible to find him or her if she finished developing her powers. Like I said, she is the only Hunter alive and if she dies Toya, Toga and Tenko dies too. They are connected to another. The Hunter family was the head of their group. Since ages their foundation is called 'Shadow thieves'. The foundation wasn't here to destroy, steal or break things. They helped humans to build their villages and got the economy running. Her ancients helped to build these walls. That's the reason the built of the walls were so fast. The Hunter-bloodline is the most important bloodline ever. More important than the Ackerman- and Reis-bloodline." Erwin: "What do you mean sir?" Zackly: "Every Hunter is the reign of hell. But in this case it is more important than it ever was. Zackly's were the reign of heaven so because of Kaitlyn being the oldest she was the queen of heaven. Two important bloodlines got mixed together. Now that only Lillith is left she is the reign of heaven and hell. If she dies without a successor the balance between earth and hereafter is destroyed and it would end in a massive chaos." Everyone was speechless. 'Wow. She has gone through many things, and she needs to carry a big responsibility. If I get her back I'll try my best to help her. I owe her.' Erwin: "Thank you, general, for giving us a further explanation." Suddenly the door opened. It was Hanji with Mike. Hanji: "I'm sorry for disturbing you sir, but we found something." She took out some pictures, a piece of paper and a book. Erwin: "Can we see it?" "Yes commander." Hanji gave him the pictures, the letter and the book. Zackly: "Where have you found everything?" Hanji: "The pictures and the letter were in a box hidden in her closet. The boys found the book in the room of the other three. The book might be interesting for Levi." Erwin: "Then we give it to him." I got the book handed from Erwin. Hanji: "The last chapter is the important one. We haven't read it because it's only worth it for you." I opened the book and flicked through the pages until I came to the last chapter. 'Something for the end. Interesting.' I read the pages and suddenly the door got blown up.

Third person and Lillith's POV

Before the door was getting blown up

We arrived in the city and immediately hid in a dark alley. Tenko: "So what are we going to do now? The whole city is after us." Lillith: "We need to get into the residence and get back the book. I really need it. Better we need it. If my back isn't getting healed we can't move on fast." Toga: "But you can't fight like that Lillith-chan. The scouts already might be there, and we can't risk it to get caught by them. I don't want to imagine what will happen to us." I gulped and sat down. Toya: "Everything alright kitten?" Lillith: "We have lost. We are lost. We need to be lucky to get out of here now." Toya came up to me and hugged me. "Calm down kitten. We always find a solution for everything." Toga came towards us and hugged us too. "For once Toya-san is right. We are strong together and we can handle every problem together." Tenko came up to us too and hugged us too. "Kid you know without you we wouldn't stand here now. We only need to get in there to get the book for the recipe for your ointment." Lillith: "Thanks guys. I love you. I don't know what I would do right now if I didn't have you." Toya: "That's the kitten I know." Tenko: "So tell us kid. What's your plan to get it?" "Let me think about it. Ah yes I know."

Now back to the future

We blow up the door. Toga: "Hey guys. Did you miss us?" Toya: "We didn't." Lillith: "So can I get back what's mine?" Mike: "Get them!" Tenko: "Not so fast Mike." Tenko took off his gloves. "If I were you I would pay attention on what you're doing. If I touch the floor or the wall the whole building will collapse." Zackly: "He's right. Calm down." Lillith: "So can I get my book back?" Everybody was silent. "I'll take that as a yes." I walked up to Levi and grabbed it. He was just staring at me. I looked into his eyes and after some seconds I looked back to my friends and walked up to them. Lillith (in her mind to Tenko, Toga and Toya): "They're up to something. Toga you know what to do?" Toga (thinking): "Yes Lillith-chan." Erwin (talking normal): "You really want to go now?" Toya: "Have you forgotten what's written in the letter?" "No but we can talk about it." Tenko: "You really want to try that again. Please stop it. We know we can't live like before." Hanji: "Yeah we can't live like before but..." Armin: "But we can live without lies." Hanji: "Why can't you let me finish my thoughts." Armin: "I'm sorry second-commander Hanji." Erwin: "How cadet Arlert said. We could live without lies. You could live your life like you always wanted." Toga: "But how? The king is still after us." Zackly: "He's not." Lillith: "What are you hiding Zackly?" Zackly: "I know you are mad but since three year's we have a new queen. She's from real blood and I think she wouldn't hurt you." Toya: "Then who is this queen?" "That would be me" We looked at the door behind Zackly and saw Christa with the royal dress entering. Toga: "Christa?" "My name is Historia. Historia Reis." Tenko: "Why didn't you tell us about it?" Zackly: "After I heard that you got caught by the scouts I didn't want you to be already scared of them. So I asked Erwin if he could hide her real identity because I didn't want her to be in danger by some people who lived in the underground and are or were murderer." Lillith: "You know how much it hurts if your only relative alive lies to you. The only one who was there for you when your parents got killed." Zackly didn't answered. Tenko: "Let's go kid. We still have a large way to go." As soon as we wanted to leave the room Berthold and Reiner stand there with a knife on their hands. Reiner: "Not so fast guys." Jean and Eren came up behind our backs, got towards Tenko and Toya and tied their hands up. Tenko: "What's the meaning of this?" Erwin: "You know we are still playing a game called catch." Lillith: "Ah yes the game. I almost forgot about it." Sasha: "You really forgot about it. And I thought I was dumb." Lillith: "Is this girl always like that?" Connie: "Yeah. Sasha she didn't really forgot it." "Sorry my bad." Erwin: "We all can go back." Lillith: "We could but we won't. You know we especially I won't come back this easily." Historia: "Lillith please listen. We know you're not like the old king said. If you really were monsters you would have hurt us, but you didn't. We found the letter and the pictures of your family in your closet." "Who gave you the right to search in my personal stuff?" Jean: "We didn't know you cutie, so we searched your rooms for some useful materials." Toya and Levi: "Stop calling her cutie!" I looked to Levi in shock. Levi: "Tch" Hanji: "I knew it. You just admit it." Armin: "You heard it Lillith. He loves you and wouldn't hurt you." Lillith: "Maybe I love him too, but I have enough now. Toga now." Toga smirked and attacked Jean and Eren to let Toya and Tenko free. She run towards Eren to get a little amount of his blood, but she was to slow. Mikasa jumped towards her and landed on her. 'Just like expected.' Toya kicked Mikasa off Toga and we four jumped out the window.

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