One month later

When I woke up I stayed lying in bed and thought about last month. 'Last month we really learned something. We had theoretical lessons about the formation at expeditions and we learned to write and Tenko learned to read. Hanji and I got close, and I saw how jealous Toga was. The cadets are all nice. Jean, Eren, Reiner and Berthold haven't stopped flirting with me. Toya threatened them to kill them if they come near me. Erwin is proud of my actions as captain, and I don't need a mentor anymore. Levi was not happy about it, and I laughed at him. One thing didn't work exactly like we wanted. Toga and I planned to get some blood from animals of the nearest forest, but we couldn't go outside and our training to develop our powers weren't we able to do. I think I'm gonna ask Erwin today. Now I need to prepare for breakfast.' I stood up and went to the mess hall. 'The uniform and me are never going to be best friends.' I entered the mess hall and sat to the table of the squad leaders. Erwin: "Good morning Lillith. How did you sleep?" "I slept well. How about you?" "Me too." "Erwin I have a question?" "Go ahead." "Do you remember when I asked you about a training once in a week for me and my squad out of the HQ's?" He hummed "Can we finally do it?" Levi: "Tch. Erwin don't do it." Hanji: "Leave Lillith alone only because you want to protect her." "Shitty glasses stop that. I don't trust her that's why." Erwin: "Levi stop it please for once." "Tch" "Sure Lillith. We trust you" "Thanks commander eyebrows." Levi: "Learn to respect you superiors brat." Lillith: "If Erwin would say something against it I would stop, but he never said anything about it so shut up shorty." Mike: "Woah guys chill" Hanji: "L do you want to help me with my experiments on Eren again?" Erwin: "Lillith is busy today." Lillith: "What do I need to do?" "Your uncle wants to see you again." "Why now? I mean he could ask me since I got here." Mike: "He was busy last month and was surprised hearing about you in the corps." "Alright so when are we going to start?" Erwin: "In an hour we meet at the stables." "Can my friends come with me?" "Sure." "Then we will see us later. Sorry Hanji." Hanji: "No problem L. See you again when you are back." I stood up and went to the table of my friends. Since some days the other cadets pushed the tables together so everybody could sit with anybody. Jean was the first who spotted me. "Hey, hey, hey. Did you walk to us because you wanted to see me again." Eren: "Shut up horseface. She wants to see me again." Reiner: "Oh no. That girl is obvious here for me." Berthold: "Reiner I need to disagree with you. She wants me." Toya: "STOP TALKING ABOUT MY KITTEN LIKE THAT YOU WHORES." Lillith: "Toya calm down. I really appreciate how you want to protect me. Boys I wasn't here to see anybody of you. I just wanted to tell my squad that we are going to the inner walls to meet my uncle. The commander, Mike and Levi are going to accompany us." Armin: "Why do commander, heichou and Mike come with you? I mean it's only your uncle." "Ah yeah you don't know. My uncle or better my foster father is the general of the three military branches Darius Zackly." Everybody: "WHAAAT." "Yeah he is. So Tenko, Toga and Toya come with me." "Yes captain." They stood up and we went to their room. Tenko: "So what do you need Lillith?" "Like I already said we are going to meet my uncle. He knows about us, so we don't need to pay attention about telling him. I think we are going to talk in private." Toya: "Why does he want to talk to you now and didn't do it last month." "They said he was busy. I'm going to check on then once we are there." Toga: "So then I can take my knives with me." Tenko: "Just stop for once Toga. Especially not today. If you go in there with your knives they might see you as a threat and put you in jail." Toga: "Do I look like I care Tenko-san?" Lillith: "Toga please listen to him. I know if it might happen that they would put you in jail, you can easily free yourself, but do you really want to get chased and lose your friends." "Sorry Lillith-chan and Tenko-san I forgot that." Toya: "It's time to go. Let's go saddle our horses." We went to the stables and saddled our horses. Sone Erwin, Mike and Levi came, and we could start. We rid to Stohess district. As we arrived some members of the MP came and took our horses into their stables. A man came towards us and greeted. "Hello Erwin. Long time no see." "Hello Nile. Lillith, Tenko, Toya and Toga this is Nile the commander of the Military Police." Lillith: "Nice to meet you commander Nile." "The pleasure is mine." We started walking towards the residence of my uncle. "So you are the famous 'Black Shadow'?", suddenly asked Nile "You could say so. Ah yeah I forgot. Sorry for slaying some of your soldiers." "I understand you. I mean nobody wants to get caught and live their entire life in jail." "Wait we only needed to go in jail. Funny. We thought you would give us the death penalty." "Even if we caught you, your 'uncle' would never give you the death penalty. We are here. The general is waiting inside." Erwin: "Thanks Nile." When Nile turned around he saw the death stares from Toya and Levi. I chuckled 'Does Toya really need to be so overprotective. I wonder why Levi did this.' We entered in the residence and us got told, we needed to wait in the hall. Lillith: "Guys do you really think he wants to see me. I mean I killed over 90 people in 14 years." Toya: "Kitten don't think about it. If he tries to hurt you we are going to stop him." Toga: "We can handle him, and we don't care if they chase us afterward, Lillith-chan." Tenko: "If that's the case we show them what we are capable to do when we fight together." "That doesn't need to be Tenko.", said a familiar voice. I looked up the stairs and saw Darius.

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