The next morning

I woke up by a loud noise. 'What's going on' I stood up and walked up to my door. 'What's going on outside? It's still dark' I was looking for the time. 'It's 3am what's going on in this weird place called HQ?' I changed into my uniform. 'Damn how can they wear it all the time?' I opened the door and went into the Mess Hall. 'Who needs to be awake at this hour?' I entered the Mess Hall and somebody sitting drinking his tea awkwardly. "What are you doing here at this hour?", asked Levi. "I woke up because of you. You made too much noise." Levi: "What are you talking about. Nobody ever woke up. I walked quietly into the Mess Hall and your room is far away of mine and the Mess Hall. Why did you hear me" 'I hate my wolf ears. Why do I need to hear everything.' "I asked you a question Lillith?" "I don't know. Are you sure you didn't pass at my door?" "I know every place here like my pocket. So how did you hear me?" Lillith: "You know what. I'm going back to my room." I left the Mess Hall. I heard him shouting my name and some footsteps. 'I need to run now.' I ran towards my room and closed the door. I waited until 7am and decided to get breakfast. 'I don't hear breathing. I really thought he would wait here.' After I left my room I headed to the Mess Hall. When I entered I saw my friends sitting on the table. I walked up to them and wanted to sit down to them when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Erwin standing in front of me. "I'm sorry for saying this but the squad leaders are sitting on one table." "Alright. We see us after breakfast guys," I followed Erwin to their table and sat down. After a few minutes Erwin started to talk "Today is your first day here. The first thing that works is wearing your uniforms. Thank you. In an hour every squad starts with their training. That means you and your friends need to train." "But am I not their leader?" Erwin: "Yeah I forgot to tell you. You are not official a leader. First we need to test you." "I'm fine with that." Levi: "Tch you will see you won't make it." Lillith: "Let's make a bet Levi. If I'm going to be an official leader you won't make any noises in the night." Levi: "And what do I get?" "Nothing. I mean I will make it." "Tch" Lillith: "If you excuse me I am going to talk with my team." I stood up and went towards my friends. "Guys let's go. We need to discuss something." They stood up and we went to my room. Toga: "Wow your room is so big and beautiful, Lilith-chan." Toya: "It's unfair." Tenko: "She is a captain of course she gets a better treatment. Be happy you get food every day and have a bed." Toya glared at Tenko. Lillith: "About the captain thing. We need to make tests today. Especially I because I'm not an official leader." Toya: "You're kidding right?" Lillith: "No I'm not. Don't use your powers. That's an order." All: "Yes, captain." "Sometimes I really hate you." Toya: "We love you too kitten." We heard a knock on the door. Hanji: "Your tests are going to start. You need to come down." We followed Hanji to the outside. Erwin: "Here you are. You need to solve three tests. The first one should be easy for you. You need to kill many fake Titans as possibly in a time of an hour. You need to use your 3DMG and you get blades on your switches." "You're sure to give that little monster blades?", I said while pointing towards Toga. Mike: "You serve the survey corps now. You need to have blades." Lillith: "Alright so you are going to take the consequence." Erwin: "Back to the topic the test is about to start. Lillith for becoming a captain you need to kill at least 40. Are you ready?" Toya: "We were born ready." Hanji "Than good luck guys. 3. 2. 1. GOOOOO." We started to search some titans. Lillith: "Alright guys you stay together and share the kills. I will go alone. We will see each other again when the time is finished. Good luck guys." I flew away from them and searched some. As I found one I sliced their neck. "Wow it's really easy." After 45minutes I killed 50 of these. 'I think it's enough. I'm going to search the others.' I whistled our sign. Some seconds later they whistled back. I flew to them and saw Toya hang upside down from a tree. Lillith: "What happened to you toast? XDDD" Toya: "Stop laughing and help me out. Tenko and Toga don't want to help me." Lillith: "Who said I'm going to help you" Toya: "Please Lillith." "Okay. Only because you said my name and not this stupid nickname. Oi Toga, Tenko come up here." They came on the branch meanwhile I freed Toya. Lillith: "Listen guys. I know we like it when one of us is in a situation where he can't help himself. But when we are outside the walls the situation is serious. It was only this time I left you alone. The next time we are a group like when we were younger. We stick together till the end. Understood?" All: "Yes ma'am." I rolled my eyes and said, "We need to go back to the others, the hour is over." We headed back. The others were already expecting us. Erwin: "I see you are back. How did it go?" Lillith: "It was too easy." Toya: "Everything went well." Toga: "Are you sure Toya-san?" The three of us broke out in laughter while Toya was embarrassed. Hanji: "How many fake titans have you killed" Toga: "17" Tenko: "20" Toya: "25" Lillith: "50" Levi: "You're lying brat" "Nope I heard Mike following me. Are you jealous because I am better than you?" "Tch" Erwin: "Mike is she telling the truth?" "Yes sir. She killed 50 titans'" Hanji: "I'm so happy for you Lillith!!!!" Lillith: "Let's start with the next test. Shall we?" Erwin nodded and went to the training ground. We took our 3DMG off and followed the commander and the captains. "Now we are going to test your stamina. Tenko, Toya and Toga run as many laps as possible. Lillith you need to run at least 100 laps. You can run more if you want. You can try to beat Levi's record like you already did last test." "Tch" Lillith: "What's his score?" Hanji: "You really want to beat him. Yeeeeeesssssss finally somebody. His score are 130 laps. I believe in you Lillith.!!!!" I smirked evil and knew I would use a little amount of my power for running. Mike: "Are you ready?" We four: "Yes sir, yes" Erwin: "Ready, set, GOO" I started running. My friends knew I would do anything to beat this little ass and it didn't bother them. 'I need to pay attention not to use much power. It would attract attention. Let's use 5% of my power' After running 20 laps I heard Hanji shouting, "WUUHUUU LILLITH. You are even faster than Levi is!!!!" Levi: "Shut up shitty glasses. You're lying." Mike: "She's right Levi." "Tch" I chuckled. As I surpassed Toga she said, "I'm sorry Lillith I can't hold it anymore. Good luck Lillith-chan." Lillith: "I'm proud of you Toga. I didn't know you get this far. I mean, you don't complain anymore." Toga stopped and got 30 laps finished. When I surpassed Toya he just shouted, "I think you can use more power. Don't you want to impress them. Am I right Toga, Tenko?" Tenko, Toga: "Yep, Run faster Lillith!!" "If you want so than I will run faster." Mike: "What? You can run faster? Right now you are faster than everyone except Levi." Levi. "She can't run faster than me. She has already lost her speed." Hanji: "He finally has a competitor and it's a girl too. XDDD" Erwin: "Stop it you three. Lillith if you can run faster than do it!" 'If they want so. Let's use 10% of my power.' Hanji, Erwin, Mike and even Levi were impressed.

Time skip

I began the 91st lap. The only one who was stilling running was Tenko. 'Toya started too fast. He still needs to learn. I'm still impressed. He ran 60 laps.' Lillith: "Oi Tenko. I never knew you were better than Toya. I'm proud of you" Tenko: "You really thought I'm worse than this burned toast." Toya: "You know I can hear you." Lillith: "That's the reason why I started this conversation." Erwin: "Lillith you finished your laps. Do you want to continue or not?" Lillith: "I can run faster if you want." Hanji: "YEEEAAAAHHHH Lillith you're the best." Tenko: "Don't run too fast Lillith. It's not good for you." "Yes mom." "Hey. I raised you of course I want the best for you!" Erwin: "Wait you raised her?" "Long story short I found her in an alley in the underground and took her home with me. She was 15 back then." Hanji: "It's cute!" Tenko started to blush and said, "Thanks-s-ss" Toya and Toga laughed while I smiled. 'Let's listen to what Tenko said. I'm gonna use 12% of my power.' Mike: "Damn this girl really has it in her." Levi: "Shut up dog!" Hanji: "Is Levi jealous?" "Tch". Erwin: "Look at her. Only 5 laps are missing than she beats your score Levi." While I finished the 130 laps I heard cheering from the others. I ran 20 more laps. Erwin: "Good job future captain. We are impressed by your skills." "Thanks commander eyebrows." Erwin just smiled and said, "It's a good thing it works with the salutation. It's time for lunch. Let's go and eat something." We nodded and followed Erwin into the Mess Hall. When we entered I heard Eren shouting, "Lillith you really beat Levi's score?!!" Lillith: "That's what the commander is saying." Mikasa: "Finally somebody showed this short man his place." Sasha: "I never do this, but you can have something from my potato!" "Thank you Sasha. I really appreciate it." Connie: "Sasha let her come in." Erwin: "Now for lunch you can sit with them. We will get you four later." Lillith: "Thanks commander." Suddenly two girls and two boys walked up to us. "Hiii I'm Christa Lenz the girl beside me is Ymir." "Hi I guess. Your name is Lillith right? You get my respect for breaking Levi's record and for injuring him yesterday." Suddenly the tall blond-haired boy introduced himself. "My name is Reiner Braun and the boy on my left is Berthold Hoover. It is really impressive. You're stronger than humanity's strongest soldier." Lillith: "You see everybody can be pushed down from their throne" Reiner: "I like your attitude." "Back off from her or do you want that everybody wants to know your little secret, titan.", whispered Toya in Reiner's ear. He swallowed and went with Berthold, Ymir and Christa to another table. We sat down to Eren and his friends. We talked a little bit. Lillith: "When you are finished with eating Armin can we please go outside the two of us. I only want to talk for a little bit." Armin: "Sure." When he finished we went to the training ground. "Armin. I'm sorry for threatening you. It's just we are scared to get called 'Monster'. We are more horrible than the titan-boy Eren." "I understand. I hope you tell the other soon. Can you show me what you mean by 'monster'?" "Another day Armin not today. Thanks for understanding it." "No problem" I heard Erwin and the others coming towards us. "Armin you are dismissed." "Yes ma'am" Erwin: "Here you are, Lillith. I hope you've cleared everything." "Yes, sir. Is now going to start our last test?" Hanji: "Yes Lillith!!! I would be happy for you if you are becoming a captain. We could do many things together!!" Lillith: "Wait you want to hang out together?" "Of course you are going to be a legend maybe the new humanity's strongest soldier." "It would be an honor for me" 'I can never be humanity's strongest soldier. I'm not even a human' Levi: "For once keep your mouth shut four eyes. If she really wants to become humanity's strongest soldier she needs to beat me in a hand-to-hand combat. It's perfect to do now. Afterall it's your last test." Erwin: "Like Levi said the last test is a hand-to-hand combat. You don't need to fight against Levi, Lillith." Lillith: "I'm going to fight him. I need to show him his place."

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