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Magnus POV

[■□□□□□□□□□] 10%

Shit. I messed up. I was used to the younger boys wanting touch to help them through things. Atlas wasn't at that point yet thought.

He did try though. A little. And I was proud of him for not lashing out, even though its entirely my fault. I would have liked for more of a conversation, but at least I let him know I was there. I knew it was hard for him.

Coming from a background that he was possibly abused in. I think he'll be alright here. Judging his reactions with the guys, I think we'll be good for him.

Soon enough he'll warm up, and we'll do whatever it takes to help him.

Atlas POV

It took a while to calm down, not going to lie. But as I lay on my bed, staring at my dark ceiling, I did feel bad for Niko. I probably shouldn't have gotten as angry as I did.

But how was I mean to make it up to him? I guess I could apologise, but that's not really how I work. I had noticed that he had a collection of bracelets when I first arrived. Maybe I could make him one....?

I really wasn't sure, but I had practised making jewellery heaps when my family was out, and it wouldn't take too long. After choosing through beads and crystals, I finally figured out a design.

As I put on some anime and settled down to make the bracelet, I was reminded of how peaceful and calming this was. I wish I had done it more.

Maybe I wouldn't have turned out like this. Translating the Japanese in my head and sorting out where everything went on the wire made time fly, and before I knew it, I had finished. I looked at my creation, and gave a soft smile.

Right. Now the hard part. To give it to Niko. It hadn't been too long. They're probably all still in Colten's room. Sighing, I picked myself up, and headed over.

As I opened the door, I looked over to see Everett and Colten kissing. I watched as they brought each other closer, exchanging small smiles and laughs. Mhm. That's... nice. Not what I was expecting though.

I made my way over to Niko, who was watching a movie with the rest of them. Cyrus noticed me and coughed to gain Niko's attention. I watched as he motioned for Niko to go over to me. Niko got up and headed over. "Hey-"

"Shush. I'm not saying anything more. Here." I brushed past him, pushing the bracelet into his hand, not letting the others notice I had given him anything. I sat down in the corner, and began reading my book again.

After only reading a few sentences, I found myself looking back at Niko. A light blush dusted over his cheeks, and he looked like he couldn't be happier. He was slowly making his way over to the others, fiddling with his new bracelet on his wrist.

As he met with the guys, they all noticed the bracelet. I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my face. He really did seem happy. It was so different to the solemn face I had been met with.

Quickly remembering where I was, I took the smile off my face, but couldn't help the warm happiness my eyes showed. I was happy that he like it. I wasn't going to deny that.

I wasn't the kind of person who wouldn't admit to my feelings.

[■■■■■■■■■■] 100%

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