Dance With You

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Note: Italics are song lyrics


Jason Malik Gordon, also known simply as Jay, is a famous teen star and son of Cliff Gordon.

He had always known he was attracted to both men and women, but he had never felt comfortable enough to talk about it openly.

That is, until he met Cole, a sweet and caring boy who had stolen his heart. Despite being from very different worlds, the two of them had a strong connection, and they had been dating in secret for several months.

Now, Jay had made the decision to come out as bisexual to the public.

He knew it was going to be a difficult and emotional journey, but he felt that it was important for him to be true to himself.

When he told his father, Cliff Gordon, he was met with anger and disappointment. His father didn't want him to take his boyfriend to prom, but Jay refused to back down.

Unfortunately, Jay's decision had unintended consequences.

The news of his sexuality and his plan to take his boyfriend to prom spread quickly, and soon, there were protests and outrage from many people.

The backlash was so severe that all school proms were cancelled.

Jay was devastated. CanHe knew that his actions had unintentionally hurt a lot of people, but he also knew that he couldn't deny who he was.

He couldn't stop thinking about how much he wanted to dance with Cole at prom, and he was determined to make it happen.

One night, he snuck out of his room and met up with Cole. They walked to a nearby park and found a secluded spot.

Jay brought out a mini speaker he had brought with him and played a song.

I don't want to start a riot, I don't wanna blaze a trail.

As the music played, Jay and Cole moved in perfect harmony. Jay led with a gentle hand on Cole's waist, and Cole rested his hand on Jay's shoulder.

I don't want to be a symbol or a cautionary tale.

They swayed to the beat, lost in the moment and each other.

I don't want to be a scape goat for people to oppose.

Jay could feel the warmth of Cole's body against his, and it filled him with a sense of safety and belonging. He rested his forehead against Cole's, and their eyes locked. For a moment, they both forgot about the world outside of their embrace.

What I want is simple as far as wanting goes.

Jay knew that he had made the right decision, no matter what anyone else thought.

I just wanna dance with you. Let the whole world melt away.

As the song reached the chorus, Jay spun Cole around, and they laughed together.

And dance with you. Who cares what other people say?

They moved together like they had known each other forever, their movements effortless and fluid. They danced under the stars, lost in the magic of the moment.

And when we're through, no one can convince us we were wrong

Jay felt like he was in a dream. He had always loved dancing, but dancing with Cole was different. It was like their bodies were meant to move together, and every step they took brought them closer.

All it takes is you and me. And a song.

Jay pulled Cole in closer, and they danced with even more passion and energy. They swayed together, moving in perfect harmony with the music.

I don't need a big production. Streamers hanging in the air.

As the song reached its chorus, Jay looked at Cole and smiled. "I don't need all the fancy stuff," he said. "I just want to be here with you, dancing under the stars."

I don't need to spend the night with confetti in my hair. I don't need a room of people that I don't really know.

Cole smiled back at him, his eyes shining with love. "That's all I want too," he said. "Just you and me, swaying to the music."

I just want to hold you and never let you go!

Jay pulled him in closer, wrapping his arms around Cole's waist. "I don't care what anyone else thinks," he said. "As long as I have you, I'm happy."

I just wanna dance with you. Let the whole world melt away.

Cole rested his head on Jay's shoulder, feeling the warmth of his embrace. "I feel the same way," he said. "You make me so happy, Jay."

And dance with you. Who cares what other people say?

Jay smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He had been so worried about what other people thought, but being with Cole made everything feel right.

And when we're through, no one can convince us we were wrong.

They continued to dance, lost in their own world, as the music played on. They moved with ease and grace, their bodies perfectly in sync.

All it takes is you and me and a song.

As the song came to an end, Jay pulled Cole closer to him, and they shared a tender kiss.

They pulled apart and looked at each other, their eyes filled with love and adoration. "Thank you for being here with me," Jay said, his voice soft and sincere.

"Thank you for asking me," Cole replied. "I never thought I'd have a moment like this."

Jay smiled and took his hand. "Well, you deserve it," he said. "And there will be many more moments like this to come."

Jay knew that he had made the right decision, no matter what anyone else thought. He felt a deep sense of love and acceptance for Cole, and he knew that nothing could ever change that.

Jay also knew that he and Cole would always have each other's backs, no matter what the future held.

He felt like he had found his soulmate, and he couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

As they walked back home, Jay whispered to Cole, "No matter what anyone says or thinks, I will always dance with you."

And with that, they both knew that they had each other, and that was all that mattered.

He took Cole's hand, and they started walking back towards home, their hearts filled with love and hope for the future.

As they part ways, Jay walked home, feeling lighter and freer than he had in a long time.

The weight of the world seemed to have lifted off his shoulders, and he felt like he could finally breathe.

As he walked, he thought back to the dance with Cole.

The way they had moved together, as if they were the only two people in the world. It was a feeling he never wanted to let go of.

He couldn't understand why anyone would be afraid of two people swaying together, lost in the music and the moment. It was such a beautiful and freeing experience, and he wished more people could see that.

Jay couldn't help but smile as he remembered the way Cole had looked at him, with such love and adoration in his eyes.

He felt so lucky to have found someone who accepted him for who he was, regardless of what anyone else thought.

When he got home, he slipped back into his room and climbed into bed, feeling content and happy. He knew that there would still be challenges ahead, but he was ready to face them with Cole by his side.

"All it takes is you and me and a song," he thought, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep, the memory of their dance still fresh in his mind.


Wow, I wrote something wholesome-

Song: "Dance With You" from Prom Musical (the one sung by Caitlin Kinnunen and Isabelle McCalla)

Thanks for reading

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