bonus chap, THE END.

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god! It's nearly time, we need to get out and let the guests in and we need to get June's dad ready!" Aurora said saying bye to the girl and dragging Xander with her.

June then sat their for the next twenty minutes messing with her hair and panicking about what she looked like and hoping everything would go right. She was fixing her hair when she had heard Aurora shout at whom she definitely assumed to be Trent as the girl had shouted "You can't see the bride yet it's bad luck now shoo back to your station!" June was laughing at the girls idiocy but also greatful at everything she had done for her.

The girl had heard a knock on the door and had gotten a text from Aurora saying that the wedding had started and it was her father at the door. As June opened the door she could have sworn her fathers eyes lit up in pride.

"Oh my sweet baby, you look absolutely beautiful." Mark said almost in tears as he linked arms with his daughter. "Dad stop, the boys have already gotten me to tears not you too!" She said making her dad laugh.

June was now holding in her breath as she walked down the aisle with her arm linked with her dad. She could see her mother already in tears along with her brothers holding a proud smile. Aurora and Xander were holding up a thumbs up whilst the ballers watched the girl with a smile. The girl had finally reached the podium and broke out in a large smile at the sight of Trent's face.

"Breathe June, it's okay." Trent whispered to the girl knowing she was holding in her breath. "Thank you, you look so beautiful." June whispered back to the boy as he took her hands.

. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄

The two were now officially a married couple and they sat at the table holding hands as everyone had gotten ready for the speeches. "You owe me a hundred quid." Trent said to the girl as she had taken his last name. "Shit." The girl said looking back at the boy laughing.

"I was kidding you know, i don't want your money. I'm just glad you're officially an Alexander-Arnold." Trent said flashing the girl a wide smile.

"Of course baby." The girl said kissing him before her brother interrupted.

"Ahem, when you two are done snogging, it's time for my speech!" Jobe said getting his speech out.

"Says fucking who! She's my twin sister i'm first." Jude said pushing Jobe out of the way. "How about you both shut up! We arranged all this and we're her best-friends so we're first!" Aurora said speaking for both her and Xander.

"Not today guys! Jude you go first." Trent said wanting the arguing to stop.

"Thank you! So shit this is awkward."The boy said before taking a deep breath to begin his speech.

"So this is my speech to the bride my beautiful sister and Trent you get included just a bit. I wanted to start off by saying i'm so happy for the both of you and Trent you should be so glad i let you marry her after everything you've done. Anyways! To my dear sister you're going to be very missed around the Bellingham house hold since now you're an absolute traitor mrs Alexander Arnold. Okay woah im about to start crying pull yourself together Jude!" The boy said trying to hold in his tears making the already crying Bellingham parents laugh.

"So June you're definitely going to be missed in the house. Your abnormally loud voice first thing in the morning or trying to take us two on walks everyday or even trying to have a movie night. Doing any of this things won't be the same without you well because you're not going to be living with us anymore and i know this sounds very dramatic and you're all probably wanting to kill me now because she's just getting married not dying. But it's definitely hard being away from someone you've never actually been away from. We've been together since the day we were born and never spent a day apart. You've been with me in Germany longer than anyone else has and you always know what to say and do when tough shit happens." Jude said with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"And my turn now! Well it's not as long and dramatic as Jude's maybe just abit more threatening." Jobe said aiming the last part at Trent

"Now i wanted to start of by saying Trent if my sister ever come home and says one bad thing about you i'll actually kick a football straight to your head and knock you out for weeks. I'll do some black juju magic so your team loses every game. But i'm also going to thank you for how happy you've made her, and i also still hate you for taking her away from me. I'm now going to have to make my own breakfast and pick and drop of myself to training and i have no more comfort hugs thanks to you!" Jobe said to Trent making him laugh and shout an i'm sorry at him.

Aurora and Xander had them done their speech together which consisted mostly of them arguing about who gets to say what. June was already sobbing at this point as she got up to hug her family and her best-friends.

The wedding shortly came to an end and it was time for June and Trent to leave in a car which Jobe had stupidly stuck a "newly married" sign onto. June and Trent had gone to their families to say their goodbyes as they waved of the rest of the guests.

"I'm seriously going to miss you guys so much, now don't have too much fun without me and i'll call you as soon as i get back." June spoke saying the last bit to her younger brother.

"I hate being soppy but i'm seriously going to be miserable without you!" Jobe said hugging his sister tightly as they cried in each-others arms.

"Look after yourself please, and Trent too." Jude said hugging his twin sister as he began to cry.

The families had said their goodbyes and they were watching the newly wedded couple leave as the two Bellingham brothers held onto each-other trying to comfort one another.

June and Trent were holding hands as they walked out the wedding hall. They both looked at each-other with pure love in their eyes as Trent held the girl closer to him. "We're going to be okay right." June asked looking at the boy.

"As chaotic as we are together, im sure we'll be okay."

and that's finally a wrap on chaotic. i absolutely loved writing this book and im so thankful for the friends i've made whilst also writing it. I love you all and goodbye!

𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗢𝗧𝗜𝗖, trent alexander arnold Where stories live. Discover now