"I do not doubt that," Kyle says.

At the lab, Mr. Davenport was looking through his files on the cyberdesk while Leo was looking at his computer. "Leo, any luck tracing those hackers?" Mr. Davenport asks.

"No. Every I.P. address you gave me leads to a dead end." Leo says. "These people really covered their tracks."

"I don't have any fingerprints or evidence, but I've drawn a police sketch of what I think the suspect looks like," Eddy says. He shows a picture of Tasha on the screen.

"I can't access anything. All the contents of my cyberdesk have been wiped clean." Mr. Davenport says. His tablet starts beeping. "This is worse than I thought. Every one of my facilities worldwide has been hacked. Every database...the entire infrastructure of Davenport Industries is gone! This is not some run-of-the-mill computer hacker, Leo. This is obviously someone who hates me and wants to ruin my life."

"Well, that could be anyone," Leo says.

"All right." Mr. Davenport says sarcastically.

"What are we gonna do?" Leo asks.

"I'm gonna have to call my friend at the FBI." Mr. Davenport says, pulling out his phone.

"Wait, you have a friend at the FBI?" Leo asks. "Wow! That is so cool."

"Yeah, we're yoga buddies." Mr. Davenport says.

"And now it's not cool," Leo says.


"All rightie. Lefty-loosey, rightie...cram it in there!" Perry says as she tries to fix the machine with a screwdriver. "Uhhh! I can't fix it!"

"You know, as much as we'd all love to sit here and watch you master the art of screw driving, we're gonna go," Chase says as we run out of the gym and into the hall.

"Hold it! You four got lucky, but I know you're up to something." Perry says. Suddenly, sparks come out of an electricity box on the ceiling.

"Your blast wave must have loosened the electrical box," Chase says to Adam.

"Eh, just a little fire hazard. I'll fix it next week." Perry says. A wire comes out from the ceiling and Perry starts to scream.

"Look out!" Bree says as she uses her super speed to get Perry out of the way.

"Stay back!" I shout at Kyle as I push him behind me.

"We gotta stop that wire before someone gets electrocuted!" Chase says. "I'll stabilize it, Adam you use your heat vision to sever it and Cassie you use your electrokinesis to contain the volts."

Chase uses his molecularkinesis to stabilize the wire as I fire a blast of electricity to keep the sparks from flying out. "Okay, now!" Chase says to Adam. Adam uses his heat vision to sever the wire and Chase uses his molecularkinesis to throw it away.

"Yeah!" Adam exclaimed.

"Yes!" Chase says.

"Whoo!" I say.

"Great job, guys!" Kyle says as we high-fived each other. As Bree walks over to us, Perry looks at us in shock.

"And...that's our magic show!" Chase says.

"Ta-da!" I say as the four of us hold out our arms. Perry starts to scream and runs away.

"Uh-oh," Chase says.

"We're dead," Bree says.

"Our lives are over," I say.

"Wow. I have never seen her run." Adam says.

Lab Rats Season 2 Where stories live. Discover now