Chapter 23

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The plan was set to happen tonight. Me, Kiri and Shoto were currently the only ones outside the hospital. Izuku walks out minutes later. Then Momo came with a tracker to the nomu. Iida was the last to come out. Giving a talk on how bad this could be. How we could get in trouble again. Or how this could get us hurt.

"I don't see Bakugo here yet so if it takes me getting hurt to get him back then so be it" I say to him.

"I'm surprised to see you out of all people caring for his well being" Kiri says with a smile. I wave him off and say nothing about the comment.

Izuku begins to talk about what we are going to do. Mainly explaining how we are going to do this without getting hurt.

We begin to walk towards the location on the the tracker. We quickly realized that people would recognize us from the sports festival. Momo took us to a store to get new clothes.

"Are you sure we really need to buy these, couldn't you have just made them?" Kiri asks. I look at Momo and she turns red explaining how. If she made clothes all the time it would be bad for the economy. I laugh at her explanation.

As we walk through different parts of the city. The tracker located what looks to be a abandoned factory.

"How are we going g to see what is in there without being caught?" I ask.

"It might seem like a stretch but I think I have an idea" Iida says.

The plan was for us to hold. Izuku and Kiri on our shoulders so they could see. Kiri panics as he looks through the window. Izuku giving the same reaction.

"Guys what is it? What is up there" Momo asks.

"Nomu, a lot of them" Izuku says. Once they climbed down Izuku begins to explain that he saw nomu not having a certain number but knows there was a lot.

"It seems that it was only the nomu was here and the league of villains are somewhere else" Iida says. We had no idea where they could have taken him. We began to walk around the streets trying  to find a place they might be in.

"We are getting no where with this, we should leave this to the pro heros" Iida says. I turn to look at him stopping g everyone else from.

"We are not going anywhere, I didn't not spend the entire day in the hospital to not get him back" I say sternly. I continue walking hearing a sudden crash. I turn nodding my head to the sound. Making everyone go towards it.

We are hiding behind a wall. We found where Bakugo is. He is surrounded by the league of villains. Izuku has a idea to get him and keep us from getting hurt. He tells me I have to get him to come up with us.

"Not sure that's gonna work" I laugh.

" Y/n, I am telling you right now that it will work trust me. It is you that is telling him to come up. It will work if YOU do it" Kiri says. I begin to become confused. I don't know why it would matter.

"Ok I'll try" I sigh.

The plan begins once the villains are all distracted. Kiri and Izuku break the wall. Shoto make a big ice mountain. Izuku hold hup me and Kiri in the air. While Momo and Shoto run a different way.

The second me and him make eye contact I yell.

"BAKUGO, COME ON" I say. He burst through the air grabbing my hand to steady himself. Izuku lands somewhere father away from the place he was before. I turn giving Bakugo a hug.

"Get off me loser" he says but does nothing to get me off of him. I move away from him and begin to apologize.

" I am so sorry, I really tried to get you back here before. I have no clue how I plan to be a hero if I can't even save someone" I begin to ramble stumbling over my words.

He pulls he back in to the hug. I am shocked that this is happening. Letting go I look at him confused.

"It wasn't your fault idiot, I should've been looking out for myself better" he says in a awkward tone.

We turn to see the large screen. All Might fighting a different villain. I have never seen this one before. He seems to be all messed up and has known All Might for a while. They were fighting very hard. Making a lot of damage to the city.

"What is going on?" I say. When they fight the villain keeps saying stuff about All Might. It looks like All Might is losing....

"COME ON ALL MIGHT" I hear Izuku yell. Everyone around us are screaming things similar.

"YOU GOT THIS ALL MIGHT" I yell. Everyone cheering for All Might as he is fighting.

He seems to get it together and is winning.  Bakugo is cheering louder then anyone else. I look at him and laugh a little. I have never seen him so passionate about a hero before. He always talks about being better then them. He looks down at him laughing at him and glares. I laugh even more because he got caught. He pushes me and smiles as well.

When I look back at the screen All Might is changed. He looks all skinny and frail. He is still putting up a fight but he is in the ground. Suddenly you see all the strength in his arm build up. He moves the power from one arm to the other. Punching the villain in the stomach. The crowd gose silent. Then once the smoke goes away. The villain is on the ground.

He says something to the screen.

The crowd cheers, I couldn't hear what he said. I look around and I see Izuku crying... We have had a long day I am sure he is just as exhausted as everyone else. Everyone that help Bakugo ended walking back to the school together. Bakugo staying behind with me not protesting everyone to get behind him.

Authors note

Sorry if the story seems a little off right now I have been trying to think of what to write with the romance plot. Over all I hope you like every thing.

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