Sullivan stepped forward as the leader of their group. "What is this about, Malfoy?"

"I've heard that you've been harassing a friend of a friend."

Sullivan and the others scanned our group. I realized that, without being completely aware of it, Scorpius, Holly, Albus, and I had formed a human wall in front of Sawyer, each of our scarves a unique color.

"Worried about Thomas-Finnegan, are you?" asked Wilbanks. He sneered at us.

Octavia crossed her arms over her chest, looking slightly worried. "It's his fault if he can't take a joke." One of her friends, a girl with long chestnut hair, nodded in agreement.

"You see, it's not a joke if it's one sided," Holly said, a deep set scowl on her face. She had tied back her curls for the occasion, needing all distractions out of the way.

Octavia frowned. "How were we supposed to know he didn't find it funny?"

"Don't try that on us," said Albus. "You most definitely knew."

I scowled at them. "You were purposefully tormenting him. Anyway, your friend Wilbanks seemed to know exactly what we were angry about. I doubt he would if you were truly being so honest."

That shut them up.

"In short," said Scorpius, "the way you treated Esther's friend, my friend, our friend, is unacceptable. It's unacceptable to treat anyone that way, frankly, so we're here to stop you." He crossed his arms over his chest, mirroring Octavia, giving our opponents a venomous look. "I'm ashamed to call you Slytherins."

The whole group pulled their wands out immediately, the thin wooden rods all aimed at somebody else. I had followed suit, and my mind ran through all of the spells Scorpius had drilled with me during our tutoring sessions. Stupefy, petrificus totalus, locomotor wibbly, and so on.

None of them felt right.

Before Holly could whip out her best jinxes or one of the Slytherins could cast a curse, I aimed and said, "Expelliarmus."

Octavia's wand flew out of her hand and Scorpius, confusion on his face, stepped forward and snatched it out of the air. I gave him a look that conveyed - as best I could - for him to do as I did. Sullivan, bemused, sent a hex my way but Scorpius had trained me well, for I was able to shield myself effectively. Holly and Sawyer caught on as well, and soon we had requisitioned all of the Slytherins' wands, except Scorpius's of course.

"Nice block," he said, "but what's this about?"

"Sometimes good old fashioned muggle defense is best," I said.

I pocketed my wand, and Wilbanks's, and rolled up my sleeves. The Slytherin students watched me with a mixture of confusion and fear as I raised my clenched fists and stepped toward them. I could feel my anger swirling throughout my body, adrenaline pumping through my veins as my heart beat fast. I thought of the things that these people had said to my best friend, things that had caused him so much anxiety he couldn't discuss it with me for months. I channeled that energy into my expression, my posture, my eyes, my fists. I felt made of anger, made of loyalty to my friend. I think I heard Sullivan whimper.

"Do you know what sound an angry badger makes?" I asked, my voice dripping with malice. The Slytherins quaked in their boots. They didn't respond.

"No? That's because none who have heard it have lived to tell the tale."


I was caught off guard, my flow of anger momentarily paused, but didn't lower my wand or break my lethal stare.

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