Gildaroy Lockheart

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Elphaba was having a peaceful time reading in her free time between classes, but that free time was interrupted when a first year Gryffindor walked up to her.

"E-excuse me," he started, stuttering through his words.

Elphaba looked up, surprised someone besides Luna or the Weasley twins was willingly talking to her. The boy was quite short, wearing a scared expression and holding a large muggle camera in his small hands.

"Yes?" Elphaba answered with confusion, trying to speak calmly.

"I'm Colin Creevey," Colin said, a bit calmer this time, reaching his hand out for her to shake.

Elphaba grasped his hand lightly, unsurely shaking it, "Elphaba Thropp," she said, watching as Colin got a fascinated look on his face, staring down at her hand.

The green-girl watched him for a moment; Colin finally looked up at her, quickly letting go.

"I was wondering if I could possibly take a picture of you?" When Elphaba quirked an eyebrow suspiciously, Colin quickly added,"I'm taking a bunch of pictures to show my parents,"

"Your parent are muggles, I assume?" Elphaba asked, closing her book to give him her full attention.

"Well, I-um..." Colin stuttered, his cheeks going red.

"No need to be embarrassed, my mother was a muggle!" Elphaba said quickly, worried she might have offended him.

"Was?" Colin prodded curiously.

"She passed away a year after I was born." Elphaba clarified, not wanting to give much more detail.

There was a long stretch of silence after that.

"You're much nicer about it than your sister was." Colin stated, shattering the silence.

*Just a half hour before this moment...

"What are you doing?" Nessarose asked loudly, staring up at Colin.

The Gryffindor had been taking a picture of a purple-ish plant that was moving on its own accord(the first year Slytherins and Gryffindors had Herbology together).

"I'm taking a picture to show my parents! They're not magical, so I wanna show them as much as I can!" Colin explained excitedly.

Nessarose rolled her eyes, "Of course,"-Colin hadn't been self conscious of being muggle born, but he sure was now-"I'm a pure-blood, though my sister is a half-blood. But at least she didn't grow up with muggles, at the very least."

"Well, I-" Colin began, trying to think of a comeback, but the Slytherin girl interrupted him.

"If you insist on taking pictures of everything, why don't you go take one of my freak sister after class." Nessarose prompted, an I dare you look in her eye.

Colin just stared at her, not sure what to say.

"What, is the Gryffindor scared?" Nessarose prodded rudely.

Colin still didn't respond, making Nessarose roll her eyes once again, "You shouldn't have any trouble finding her; she's green."


"There's nothing wrong with being muggle-born," Elphaba said, snapping Colin out of his thoughts, "Hermione Granger is muggle-born, and she's one of the best witches at this school."

Colin smiled brightly, feeling much better now, "Is it common to be green among witches and wizards? Are there others like you?" He asked, his interest in Elphaba sparking once again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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