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Professor Snape called out names. One by one he sorting everyone into pairs; Luna was paired with a girl named Lavender Brown.

Elphaba stood with her arms crossed, tapping her foot anxiously.

"Elphaba Thropp and Galinda Upland." Snape called out.

Elphaba froze. The blonde stared over at her with an annoyed expression before turning to their teacher.

"Professor!" The Slytherin girl yelled, "Can't I please be paired with anyone else?"

Elphaba sighed, staring at her teacher with a why me? look, "Professor-"


Elphaba was cut off by Professor Snape smacking the papers he was holding against a large desk.

The tall man stared down at her, standing about a foot away.

"Sit down, Miss Thropp... You too, Miss Upland." Professor Snape ordered coldly, his eyes never leaving Elphaba's.

The two girls reluctantly sat down. Elphaba watched the blonde Slytherin try to stay as far away from her as possible.

Luna gave her an empathetic look from across the room.

Professor Snape began to lecture the class. He walked along the desks, watching all the students like a hawk.

"Now, can anyone tell me the use of Gillyweed?" Snape asked, scanning the room.

Elphaba's hand shot up, making all the other first years turn towards her.

"Miss Thropp," Professor Snape said, giving her a suspicious look, one of his eyebrows raised into an arch.

"When digested it allows the user to breath underwater." Elphaba said proudly.

Professor Snape gave her a nod, "Correct," he said, almost bitterly.

"Oh look, the plant knows about other plants." A blonde Slytherin boy yelled.

Elphaba whipped her head around to look at him, her dark, braided hair almost smacking Upland in the face.

"Oh, shove off! You're just upset you didn't know the answer, Malfoy!" The green girl practically yelled.

The bleach-blonde had a bit of a surprised expression on his small face. Elphaba looked quite pleased with herself.

"Miss Thropp," Elphaba turned around to see Snape standing over their desk, "I will advise you to keep your temper; five points deducted from Hufflepuff."

Elphaba huffed and slumped down in her chair, her partner laughing quietly beside her.

What a wonderful start to the school year.


"I can't believe I'm stuck being partners with the class artichoke for the whole your!" Galinda

"I know how you feel. I've been stuck with that filthy half-blood for years." Draco responded.

Galinda gave him a quizzical look. Draco looked back at her with annoyance.

"Thropp? Her father works for the Ministry of Magic." The bleach-blonde said with disgust, "My father doesn't understand why the Ministry holds any respect for him; falling in love with a muggle."

Disgust-A-Fide जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें