why cant i be happy?

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“So what happened to her?” a voice broke through the darkness but I didn’t move.

                “Looks as if someone rejected her,” the doctor growled and I heard him write something down. I heard someone else growl and recognized it as heather. “You must understand that a wolf that is rejected rarely survives. I will leave you alone with her. There is a chance she may never wake up.” I heard the door open and softly close as the doctor left.

                “You did this!” heather snapped in a loud whisper.

                “I don’t want to be with her!” Clayton growled back and heather gasped.

                “Then why did you marry her? Why did you lead her on if you were just going to leave her?” heather asked.

                “I don’t know,” he sighed and I heard him lean against the wall.

                “Because you are such a coward and now she is going to die!” heather spat.

                “You don’t know that!”

                “Didn’t you hear the doctor? Most wolves don’t survive from this!” heather growled in disgust. I didn’t want Clayton here but I didn’t have enough strength to tell him to leave.

                “Heather just calm down,” he sighed and I heard a loud slap and I could just imagine her slapping him.

                “Do not tell me to calm down Clayton James. You are not my alpha anymore,” she growled

                “You weren’t serious about that were you?” he sighed and I could just see him running a hand through his hair.

                “Of course I was Clayton and I was serious about everything I said to you. You are no longer my brother and once she is gone I want nothing to do with you,” she spat and I heard her leave the room. I wanted to shout at her for leaving me alone with him but I just lay still.

                “Why did you have to do this Cadence? Why couldn’t you just listen to me and never find me?” he sighed and I felt my hands ball into fists.

                “Because you wouldn’t sign the dam papers,” I growled but it came out in a low whisper.

                “Seriously would you just let that go? I’m not signing the dam divorce papers Cadence,” he growled and I slowly opened my eyes to glare at him.

                “I deserve love to Clayton,” I said softly and that caught him off guard. So many emotions crossed his eyes until he landed on regret.

                “I know Cade but I don’t have the strength to let you go just yet,” he sighed and I just stared at him.

                “It’s been a year since you left me in that hotel room Clayton can’t you just let me move on?” I sighed. my heart was pounding in my chest and my wolf was yelling at me to stop being so weak and showing my pain to him.

                “What so you can be with him? You know it won’t last. What do you two plan on doing when he finds his mate?” he asked.

                “We go back to friends and act like it never happened,” I told him.

                “And what if you can’t?” he asked and crossed his muscular arms over his chest. I sighed and closed my eyes. Couldn’t I just have one conversation with this guy that didn’t involve him having attitude? My wolf smiled smugly as my anger once again flared up from his attitude.

                “Then I get over it. I’m third in command Clayton and he is my alpha. I will have to move on whether I like it or not,” I told him and he let out a breath.           

                “You have this all figured out don’t you?” he asked as he rubbed his temples.

                “Yes,” I said and continued to look at him. “Clayton just sign the papers.’

                “No,” he growled and left the room, slamming the door behind him. I sighed in defeat and stared up at the ceiling. Now all I had to do was survive the night and I could go home. Easy right?

hey sorry its short but gotta keep you wanting more ;) anyways i can see you guys are loving this story so i have decided to do a sequal!! it will be starting that tonight and i am so excited becasue it will contain more drama and more fights between cade and clayton :) anyways i may upload again today if i get five more comment :) lets the games begin!! comment and vote!! remeber to tell your friends and share this with everyone!!!

my mate left me the night of our wedding (contains strong language)Where stories live. Discover now