11: Will you be my girlfriend?

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"hey this is not my fault"

"this is totally your fault" I snapped causing JJ to turn around and put his hand over my mouth as Shoupe walked into the room. Holding my breath, i waited for the doors to the closet to open but it never came.

"its clear" Shoupe called out walking back out of the room and down the stairs

"ok onto the next house" Peterkin replied

"ew did you just lick me?" JJ removed his hand in disgust and I just shot him a grin

"ew did you just get a boner over us two being close to one another?" I shot back

"will you be my girlfriend" JJ spoke so quickly i nearly missed it



"What did you just say?"

"Nothing. I didn't say anything"

"JJ i heard you"

"You heard what?"

"What you said"

"What did I say?"


"seriously" he smiled

"So was that an actual question or a freak of the moment type thing?"

"was what an actual question?"

"JJ stop playing dumb and answer me"

"uhhhh" he sighed taking his hat off and rubbing the back of his neck "maybe?"

"and you thought us two crammed in a tiny little closet hiding from Shoupe was a good time to ask that becauseeeee?"

"I believe that is a trick question"

"wait...you were being serious?" I said now locking eyes with him

"did you want me to be serious?"

"JJ stop fucking with my head right now"

"Ok ok, yes I was being serious. I was gonna ask down on the beach but Shoupe interrupted"

"Can we at least get out of this closet to talk about this" I laughed

"Oh shit yea, he's gone" JJ laughed opening the door "shitty police work if you ask me, not even checking the closet"

"JJ stop trying to change the subject"

"sorry" he mumbled

"So you are seriously asking me out....like you want me to be your girlfriend?"

"is this another trick question?"

"No JJ, i'm not tricking you"


"you want me to be your first girlfriend? Right after my brother just tried to kill you?"

"I....I guess?"

"and you want me-"

"for fuck sake Jo just answer the question. Do you...Jo Routledge.....wish to do me the honour....of being my girlfriend"

"you made that sound like a proposal"

"ugh whatever Jo" he said  walking towards the door but i quickly grabbed his hand and turned him around

"JJ i'm just messing with you. Of course I will" i laughed

"wait serious? You're not messing with me now are you? Cause if you are that would be totally messed up"

The Summer is ours// JJ MaybankOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz