11th January,1986

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(Will felt really bad for what happened yesterday. The party just wanted to go out and he had to get bullied again and he couldn't do anything about it. He always ruined times when they went out. Maybe he shouldn't go next time.)

Joyce: Will honey! Breakfast!

will: I'm not hungry mum!

Joyce: come on will! It's good for your legs to heal faster!!

(Will sighed and climbed out of bed, he went out to have breakfast and Joyce was leaving for work.)

Jonathan: I'm off work today so we can do something together. We haven't in a while!

Will: sure!

(Will really missed doing things together with Jonathan, he was looking forward to it. He finished his breakfast and said his goodbyes to Joyce. Then he went into his room and changed.
He put on some joggers, a t-shirt and mikes hoodie that he 'borrowed' last month. It still smelt of Mike.)

Jonathan: so, where do you wanna go?

will: I don't know!

Jonathan: how about we go shopping for some food?

will: okay!

(Jonathan grabbed his keys and took Will out to the car, Will had crutches as he still couldn't walk as much from the incident. They drove out of town and stopped at the shops.)

will: it's really busy today!

Jonathan: don't worry, I'll help you!

(Jonathan helped will out the car and they went into the shops.)

Jonathan: where first?

Will: idk...

(Will was nervous and so many people were staring at his crutches. But then a familiar some song started to play.)

Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
I'll be here 'till the end of time
So you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?

(will then calmed down as this song really reminded him of comfort as Jonathan introduced this song to him whilst lonnie and Joyce were arguing.)

Jonathan; sweets?

will: hell yeah!!!

(They walked to the sweets isle and Will picked out some sweets and then a boy turned into the isle with a girl. They were holding hands and looked very happy. Will looked for a moment.
It was Mike and eleven. )



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