Yuken grabbed a steel bar that one of Kidra's kin was planning on using before pushing him to the ground. He then angrily slammed it against the railing.

"We're here.." He started, clearly out of breath. "The killers of Housen." He threatened, throwing the steel bar on the ground.

"Finish them off." He ordered before walking away. He lightly laughed as he heard Kidra's screams of terror.

"Don't ever do drugs!" He yelled, running to help the others.


Car engine sounds filled the streets as more reinforcements of Kidra arrived. They smiled evilly as they saw Oya and Housen slowly begin to crumble. Their smiles dropped as the sounds of motorcycles came closer.

Kidra stopped as two men dismounted from the vehicles.

The Oochi brothers.

Shinya and Masaya Oochi.

"Sorry, but we can't let you pass." The younger of the two, Masaya said as the rest of Kidra laughed haughtily.

How could the two of them defeat Kidra?


A loud beeping sound interrupted them and they were taken aback as a giant black truck crashed into what was left of Hope Hill.

On the truck were the seniors of Oya High, their leader, Murayama sat on top of the truck's cab while the rest of Oya was seated in what was supposed to be the trailer compartment. They shouted and screamed in excitement as they came closer.

Kidra stepped back as the truck ran over the remaining barricades, sparks flying as they hit a few electrical posts, causing Murayama to duck. Hideto, who was driving the truck, slowly brought it to a stop. Its' wheels screeched against the road as the rest of Oya jumped off from the back as the truck came to a full stop.

"Shit. That was scary." Murayama complained, dizzy from the drive as he held on to the cab for support. Hideto stepped out from the driver's side door as Murayama rose to his full height.

The Oochi brothers smiled as they realized that Fujio had made so much more friends than they realized.

"Are you guys all right?" He asked his friends.

"Yes!" They answered with strength and power. Murayama suddenly crouched down for a moment before getting back up and spreading his arms like he just did a magic trick.

"Tada!" He exclaimed like a little kid on Christmas.

"MURAYAMA!" Kanehiro Yuto, the older of the two and one of the heads of Kidra yelled out in anger.

"Oh? Your hair's still blue? I'm surprised you still remember me. I guess you will never forget the guy who kicked your ass!" Murayama mocked as the rest of Oya laughed.

Murayama had a history with the two brothers and have beaten them both time and time again. They're insane according to him and like to make trouble for the fun of it.

"It's about time to kick some ass!" Shinya, the older of the Oochi brothers, yelled out as he and his younger brother Masaya began their tirade. Their strength was unexpected for Kidra as well as Murayama who seemed surprised to see them there.

He jumped down from the cab, lightly wincing from pain (probably from the long distance he jumped).

"I'm all right." He reassured a fellow student who looked concerned.

"You're as brutal as ever, senpai!" He admired, smiling at the elders before looking back at his comrades.

"Are you all ready to go?" He calmly asked and they answered with a resounding yes. He turned to Kidra once more, pointing his finger at their enemies.

Sirimiri ; ODAJIMA YUKENWhere stories live. Discover now