The Villain's Tryst with Destiny

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Jayveer Singh , the name is enough to evoke fear amongst the public . The whole of Bombay trembles under the impact of this underworld Don ruling unrestrained making a mockery of law and order situation in the commercial capital of India . Even the police forces are afraid of the dreaded criminal who has history of assassinating hundreds of them at office . He had once blown up a whole battalion of troops deployed to check his smuggling activities . His henchmen were not less either . They would walk freely into any public place with loaded ammunition and do whatever they want . Murders , exploitation,  extortion , molestation were very common for them as was daily activity for a common man . Women were the most targeted victims of their exploits . Jayveer himself was a womanizer having dozens of girlfriends and scores of mistresses . Every new actress of the film industry was harassed by him and his men to the extent of them being forced to leave the industry and the city quite often . To stay in Bombay alive you had to surrender yourself before the Don willingly and satisfy his lust . Politicians and even big corporate houses were wary of the nefarious gang run by him . Many needed his help while some just kept a working relationship with him . The risk of exposing women of the family to the bloody hounds always haunted them too . But there wasn't a way to escape the eyes of the hawk . Neither was a way to get rid of him until the glorious day in history of Bombay when the villain breathed his last . The cardiac arrest was something that was probably the result of a million wishes which got the better of the king of Bombay while he was driving his car back home all alone after demolishing the ego of the richest  business tycoon of the country . He was supposed to have another dreamy night with his women but it wasn't acceptable to destiny as his car cruised across a dead end falling of the cliff once he lost his balance over the steering . But destiny had probably chosen the wrong one to mess with as now this vile man had traversed across timelines to mess with the destiny herself . Jayveer Singh wasn't a man to rest in peace , instead he was someone who would make the peace itself lose its sanity as the era of war welcomes the villain of the dark ages .

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