Chapter 18

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"I don't want my dad to know about any of this," Marlene confessed. She'd just tossed back what was left of her brandy, and the fiery liquid courage in her stomach had floated the honest words to the surface. "I didn't even tell him about this newly discovered psychic ability of mine, because I didn't want my family to somehow become tangled up in this. If they get involved, danger could find them. I can't worry about helping everyone else and put my own family at risk. I need to know they're safe and out of it, then I can freely focus on everyone else. Only my sister knows about this, and I'm not even sure why I told her."

"Probably because you needed at least one person close to you to know," Bellatrix said after several seconds. Marlene nodded, flushing as she realized she'd just spilled all that to Regulus's bloody family. She gave Kreacher a grateful look as he refilled her glass along with everyone else's. He was using a charm to do it, so she could only assume his hands were no longer steady. That was alright, though. Were she Kreacher, she'd be drinking too. He had to be under such a vast amount of personal stress, the poor little bastard! Not even free to love who he wanted without guilt and shame and fear...Oh shit! It hit Marlene then that she must be drunk, because otherwise she certainly would not be feeling that sorry for Kreacher. He was a git and a half, after all. Lifting her glass, she took a deep drink.

"We shall respect your wishes," Walburga told her. "We shan't tell your father. While Orion and I do not condone children keeping secrets from their parents, in this particular case your intentions are good." Walburga cast a firm look in her husband's direction before going on. "That means keep your mouth shut about all of this when around him, Orion." Orion frowned, but nodding, made no comment. His gaze went from his wife to Marlene, before returning broodingly to his brandy glass.

"When are we going to see Dumbledore, then," Regulus asked, tone resigned.

"The very concept of that still makes my head explode," Bellatrix groaned. "Are you certain that's the only way?" She glanced to Marlene as she voiced the question and Marlene shrugged.

"No, but it's all I've got for now. I shall certainly inform you should things change."

Bellatrix's dark eyes narrowed, obviously uncertain if Marlene was being sarcastic or not. As Marlene wasn't even sure herself, she made no comment, merely downing the rest of her drink. She glanced across the table to see Rabastan smiling at her. His smile was contagious, and she smiled back. Where Rod was like a strong shouldered supportive leader or big brother, Rabastan seemed like the fun one who never took things too seriously. Well except for Horcruxes. He did seem to take those seriously, which was good.

"So when are we going to see Dumbledore," Bellatrix muttered into her empty glass.

"I'd say when no one expects it," Marlene spoke up hastily. She didn't know if Bellatrix was asking her or Walburga and Orion, but she had an opinion on the matter. "Also when the least amount of people are at Hogwarts. So tomorrow could be good. You know, before term starts up. And no time like the present to get a move on this."" As she spoke, her gaze wandered to the Black elders, wondering idly if she'd had a hard time seeing much about Walburga or Orion because she'd seen them dead...Had that messed with her head or something, making it harder to see more about them when she'd tried to scry? Or was it because they may die anyway? She squeezed her eyes shut at that thought. It was too dreadful to contemplate, because it meant that all this could be for nothing. In that case, what was the point of having her gift anyway?

"Well if it's about going when the least amount of people will see us, plus as soon as possible, how about fucking now," Rabastan asked.

"Rabastan," Orion Black said. "Language."

Rabastan arched his brows in seeming incredulity, but made no comment.

"Tonight could work," Marlene said slowly. She smiled at Rabastan as the idea got better and better in her mind. "Brilliant idea, actually. With it being so late, it will be easy to avoid being spotted by anyone other than Dumbledore if we're careful."

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