Three: A Friend in Need

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We were not making love, we did not even kiss, but the inexplicable intimacy we shared left us wordlessly and hopelessly locked into each other's gaze.

~~ Jasmine Dubroff ~~

Year 2007

"How is your training going on?"

Ever since Khushi decided to take up the offer a month ago, that was all her family members seemed to ask her. It would start early as a new day welcomed her, with her mother reminding her to be in her best behavior – something Khushi had been hearing for about three years now. Why Garima Gupta couldn't let her eldest daughter be without her hour-long lecture on manners and morale, Khushi wouldn't know, and she wouldn't dare to question which, if she were to go by her experience, only led to another hour and half of why it is important for any person to do his or her best and how one's character can tarnish a family's reputation. So, with a nod and a promise to hang onto her mother's every instruction, following her rule book, she would bid goodbye for the day only to come to a quick halt when her father repeats the shorter version.

If that were not enough, as they sat down post dinner to fill each other of their day's happenings, Varun's teasing, as he always would regarding her goals and dreams, ensured she lost whatever little resistant she had. Their arguments were all the same. While Varun tried to convince her that she was too young to take her career as seriously as she was now, Khushi held firmly onto her ground, insisting she needed as much training she could to reach her destination. Shobna Ahuja, whom Khushi grew fond of as her own Bua – ignoring the little voice in her head that insisted she called the woman as Bua just because the man she was crushing after did so – was the best Architect in the state and it was fortunate to have known her and be a part of her group of trainees. The fact that Khushi was youngest of the lot didn't bother her as much it did whenever Varun pointed it out.

As a token of gratitude, her Dadaji had invited the Raizada and Ahuja clan for dinner one week after the party which, much to Khushi's surprise turned out to be one of the best dinners ever. Varun and Anuj, Arnav's younger cousin, hit it off as soon as introductions were made, while the rest spent most of the night playing various indoor games with Arnav participating every now and then, otherwise being immersed in a conversation with Aryan. Old acquaintances shaped into a strong bond and new friendships were formed, so much that the three families often had impromptu gatherings and get-togethers.

As much she loved their company, Khushi was painfully aware of Arnav's movements the whole time they dined. To her utter disappointment, that was the only time he had been there with his family, missing out every gathering in the past month, leaving behind a wondering Khushi. The distance, though, did not assure her of her awareness of the man. No, her natural ability to be observant, the trait she considered as her blessing, proved to be a bane for her ears perked up every time Shobna Bua mentioned his name in a passing with her employees, friends or family. It was novel, to be conscious about a man, it frightened her as much it excited her. At length she wondered if this was the case with two brief encounters, what would be the case if they were to share a roof.

That thought rendered her sleepless, and no sooner it crossed her mind, she was now forced to experience the very same thing. Why, Khushi pleaded silently, willing her prayers to reach heavens the moment her Dadaji informed her about the very person picking her up on his way to his Bua's office, was she being cruelly tested by fates? Her quivering heart, the furious echoes of its beats, refused to offer its help as she fixed her gaze on her lap, fingers cold and fiddling, refusing to either look at the man beside her, or acknowledge his effort to punctuate uncomfortable silence clouded thickly on them. Her usual need to dignify with a reply long forgotten, crushed under his curious gaze.

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