Chapter 7: Confronting the Past

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Nia sat uncomfortably in her seat, feeling a mix of anger and discomfort as she listened to Joanne Peterson speak. She knew the name well - Joanne had been Robert's former fling and marketing director at his family's company. Nia had heard about her from Alex, the social media manager, but she had never met her before.

Joanne Peterson 36 years old is a tall and slender woman with piercing blue eyes and jet-black hair that falls in loose waves around her shoulders. Her sharp features and confident demeanor command attention, and she exudes a powerful energy that draws people in. She is impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, and her polished appearance suggests that she takes great pride in her work and her appearance. Despite Nia's discomfort around her, she can't help but admire Joanne's impressive presence and professional demeanor.

As Joanne talked about her marketing strategies and successes, Nia couldn't help but feel envious of her accomplishments. She was also reminded of the challenges she faced working with Robert and the unresolved issues between them.

"I'm fine," Nia muttered, not wanting to make a scene in front of their colleagues.

Robert looked skeptical but didn't push the issue. As Joanne finished her speech and the conference attendees began to disperse, Robert and Nia made their way to the exit. Before they could leave, however, Joanne spotted them and made a beeline toward them.

"Robert, it's been so long," Joanne exclaimed, throwing her arms around him. "And who is this lovely lady?"

Nia bristled at the term 'lovely lady' but forced a polite smile. "I'm Nia, Robert's marketing director".

"Ah, I see," Joanne said with a smirk. "Well, I hope Robert is treating you well."

Robert tensed up at the comment, sensing the tension between the two women. "Joanne, it's great to see you again. We should catch up sometime."

Joanne nodded and sauntered off, leaving Nia seething.

"What's wrong?" Robert asked, sensing her anger.

"You could've warned me that she would be here," Nia snapped. "I didn't need to be reminded of your dating history."

Robert sighed. "I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be a big deal."

"Well, it is a big deal," Nia said, her voice rising. "You were my first love, Robert. It's hard for me to see you with someone else, especially someone who used to work for you".

Robert looked remorseful. "I understand. But you have to know that Joanne and I were never serious. It was just a fling."

Nia rolled her eyes. "It doesn't matter. It still hurts."

They continued their conversation as they left the conference center and headed back to the office, with Nia venting about her frustrations with their past and present. As they arrived at the building, Robert turned to Nia.

"I know I hurt you in the past, Nia, and I'm sorry," he said, his voice gentle. "But we need to move forward and focus on our work. Can we do that?"

Nia hesitated before nodding. "Yeah, we can do that. But it's not going to be easy."

Robert smiled. "I know, but I believe in us."

Nia forced a smile as they entered the building, unsure of what the future held for her and Robert.

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