Chapter 2 In another World

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Izuku had landed on a weird platform and saw a bunch of Heroes walking around that were wearing almost the same Hero suit as him or something completely different. He then saw looked over saw someone he knew from a while back that was from a different Timeline. He ran over catching the person off guard.

Izuku: Mistnight?!

Mistnight: Deku is that you?!

Izuku: Yes it's me?!

Mistnight then took off her Hood and face mask. It was Nemuri Kayama but different. They both fists bumped and smiled. Izuku then looked at her confused.

Mistnight: Something wrong?

Izuku: Yeah two things, First off! You have a kid?!

Mistnight: Yep her name is Bella Midoriya

Izuku: Awww

Izuku watched as Bella used Black Whip and was hanging upside giggling since we'll Bella was only 1 month old. Mistnight then picked up Bella and placed her back in the Baby holder on her back.

Izuku: Last question, Where am I?

Mistnight: The Multiverse or How I like it to call it, The One for All verse. Where everyone here is similar to you but from a different Timeline but some are different and are people you know who got ahold of One for All before you got granted the Power

Izuku: Wow that's complicated but how do I get out of here?

Mistnight: Your stuck here the weird image in your head everyone gets becomes a reality, There's no changing it. You have to accept that it's your fate and move on

Izuku: I can't do that! I have to get back now, to lives are at risk and both of them are special to me!

Mistnight: it's our fate Izuku, we all lost someone special to us. Sometimes we just gotta let happen then move on with our lives

Izuku: Yeah well I'm not doing that, I'm getting out of here one way or another

Izuku then walked off until he bumped into someone else he knew. It was Ochaco Uraraka but not the one he knew back home. She then took off her Mask and smiled.

Ochaco: it's been a while

Izuku: Yeah it has

Ochaco: Let me guess you got sent here because you were chasing a guy and now you are trying to find a way out?

Izuku: Yeah

Ochaco: Whatever image you got in your head then just go with it, it's your fate and you can't change it

Izuku: Yeah well I'm gonna change it

Ochaco: Then go talk to the guy who is ruler of this place maybe he will let you out

Izuku: Where can I find him?

Ochaco: I'll take you to him

Izuku then followed her to where the Guy was at. Once they arrived they stopped a few feet away from him. Izuku walked up to him without any hesitation.

Izuku: Excuse me but I don't belong here, So I need you to take me back home

Katsuki: I can't do that, You have fate that hasn't be fulfilled, your not getting out until it's been done. Everyone here has lost someone except you. You can't save everyone so just accept your fate and then you can leave

Izuku: No I'll find a way out then I'll save them both!

Izuku then walked back slowly while Katsuki watched. Izuku then made a full sprint speed run for it. Katsuki immediately alerted the others.


Mistnight immediately followed behind the crowd of One for All users covering Bella's head. She had to help Izuku get out of here immediately. Izuku then jumped on a flying train that moved around in the air Alot. He looked down and saw the mob of users climbing after him. He even saw Mistnight covering Bella's head looking at him with fear in her eyes. Izuku knew this was he fault, he immediately saw Dynamite 2099 also known as the Katsuki he was talking to a few seconds ago jumps after him. Izuku then immediately jumped more up the train dodging his attack. He then saw as Dravity picked up Mistnight and sent her flying into a building.

Izuku: Mistnight!!!

Dynamite 2099: Give up! It's your fate so accept it and all this will end! You can go home as soon as it happens!

Izuku: No...I made a promise and I'm not gonna break it!!!!

Dynamite 2099: Fine it's your death then!!!

Katsuki then started joking Izuku out. Izuku tried his best to get him off but he was too strong since this Katsuki was an adult. Meanwhile Mistnight was backed up into a comer in an Alleyway with Dravity walking towards her with 200% of One for All powered up and Pinkish white sparks coming off her body. Dravity was about to punch Her but was knocked to the ground by Mistnights Husband Izuku Midoriya which was an adult version of Izuku.

 Dravity was about to punch Her but was knocked to the ground by Mistnights Husband Izuku Midoriya which was an adult version of Izuku

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Mistnight: Hunny?!

Dekuru: Hunny listen to me, get home immediately I'll go after your friend

Mean Izuku was losing conscience. Katsuki smiled as he knew Izuku's fate was gonna happen. That was all ruined when Dekuru landed beside them.

Dynamite 2099: Huh?!

Dekuru: Never hurt my Wife again!

Dekuru then punched Dynamite 2099 into a building and immediately picked up Izuku. Dekuru then used a move called Smokebomb to get away from the others. He then landed far away from them placing Izuku down. Izuku looked at him shocked because it was him but as an Adult.

Dekuru: You ok?

Izuku: Yeah thanks

Dekuru: No problem, I'm happy to help my wife's friends when they are in need, now let's go before they find you

Izuku: No, I'm gonna go find a way out

Dekuru: Trust me the image you saw in your head is just an illusion, it's not your fate and it won't come true. I know you'll be able to stop it, but for now we gotta go. You can stay with me and my wife until I help you get out of here

Izuku nodded and followed Dekuru. Meanwhile Dravity was sitting near a puddle in the alleyway looking at her window reflection.

Izuku: Across the Multiverse of One for All Where stories live. Discover now