Chapter Two

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As soon as I left my house, my heart started beating so loud that I was surprised the other kids walking nearby couldn't hear it over their own thoughts.

Entering the rather small building, I was shocked to find no cliques or "popular" groups around.

I asked a petite girl in the lobby to point out the principles office and she even offered to walk me to it! I was beginning to think the people here where as nice as they looked. But I didn't file anything away just yet because I've learned that you NEVER judge a book by its cover.

Before walking into the office, I stood there for a moment and took a deep breath in, and then slowly let it out. Then I walked in.
"Students, we have a new student joining us today!" The teacher said clapping and jumping up and down. Were all the teachers up here high? Because even the principle seemed a little... well, you know.

"Come on in sweetie!" She cheered once more.

Once more, I took in a deep breath. And entered the room. Once I stepped in, the room fell silent. I couldn't tell if that was a bad thing and they were already silently judging and stabbing me, or if they were just eye raping me. Which I guess is bad in both cases.

"Class," the teacher said seeming to calm down quite a bit. "This is Samantha Blake. She's from the city and she's a junior. Samantha, why don't you tell the class and I a bit about yourself alright?"

The shyness was already starting to overwhelm me. I don't have stage fright, I'm just extremely, extremely, shy.

"Umm, well, like you said I come from the city, and, umm..." I turned away looking toward the ground.

"I know this is probably really scary, but could you at least tell us your old school and city?"

"Of course." I looked up at the small class.

"Umm, I lived in Methuen, but I went to the technical school in Haverhill."

"OOOH!! A technical girl! And what shop were you in sweetheart?!" She is just bipolar in guessing.

"I chose Masonry..." now the class was really either judging and stabbing, or eye raping me because it was a non-traditional shop. Which meant girls weren't generally in those particular shops. Plus it was a dying trade.

"Well that's just lovely! Darling, your going to fit in here at Westfield so well! I'm Mrs. Cassidy, and you can have a seat right next to... David." She pointed him out to me and I went to my new seat.

Once again, my heart was beating so loud that I'm pretty sure that other people really could hear it this time. And this wasn't because of David. I mean yes, he was cute, but I was more concerned why everyone was looking at David, and then at me.

The worst thing about my heart beating practically out off my chest, was that I was ninety five percent sure that David could hear it. And I was one hundred percent sure that he was taking it the wrong way.
I sat in Mrs. Cassidy's class for a while doodling in my notebook until the bell rang.

"David." Mrs. Cassidy chirped. "Would you mind directing Samantha to her next class? Come, come you two!" We both hesitantly walked toward her desk with worried eyes.

"Ahh! Here it is. Samantha Blake! ID number-"

"Not to cut you off Mrs. Cassidy, but I dont think Samantha would like her ID number read aloud to the whole school. And since you're yelling..." That was the first time he had spoken all homeroom. I was most definitely going to thank him later.

"Right, right. Well, here you to go." She said calming down once more. Just before we could reach the door, Mrs. Cassidy spoke out again. However, this time in a warning and concerned voice. "And Daivd... take care of Samantha." The last part was said with her gritting her teeth.

"By the way Samantha, any nicknames?" She chirped right back up again. I swear she really is bipolar.

"Umm, my friends call me Sam. But since I don't have any yet, I guess you could just a me-"

"Sam it is then! Have a nice day you two!" And then we were finally out the door.

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