Chapter 4

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It has been 2 weeks of S.Darko. Who the heck would call a school that???? I think Snape is on crack... Voldermort has actually been to visit our school. Every time he goes through this ritual thing to try use the imperius curse on me but I can fight it so he screams and throws spells EVERYWHERE. That guy has some serious anger problems. Snape has got HEAPS of security on the grounds Dementors, goblins, trolls, death eaters, random creepy people that creep me out. Well it's just creepy. I miss Fred. Hermione learnt how to make your patronus go places and talk to people she calls Itatus Maxis and then you tell it who to find and stuff. She sent it to me a few times. I can't sleep anymore. Peoples screams break  through the silence and then more and more. I think it comes from Hufflepuff. The slytherins go on these ramapages of curses as told Proffesor Flackston. She teaches Astronomy which isn't really Astronomy it's more like Tell Me What That Plan Or Constallation Is Cos I Don't Have A Clue. So we don't really learn anything. I'm in Muggle Studies now which is taught by Proffesor Gray who HATES muggles. Uh-oh. No no noooo!!! NEVILLE SIT DOWN!!!! I wanna scream, he just got out of his chair "Excuse me? Proffesor Gray, How much muggle blood do you have?" Neville says. as soon as the words fall out of his mouth I want to shout every cuss I know at him!! Uh-oh Proffesor Gray is NOT taking this lightly "Infito Crackum!!" She screams at him. A huge gash opens on Nevilles face and expands ALOT, its gone pussy instantly and is a brown, yellow and red colour. I let out a small gasp and I hear Lucy whimper slightly "YOU!" She bellows pointing at me "GET HIM OUT OF MY SIGHT!" She spits at me. I waste no time at getting Neville away from her "Healus." I mutter quickly pointing my wan at him. Normally this would heal it but in this case... well it didn't work. I think its time to start up the D.A. again.

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