Hmm Anatomy?

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The sun shone on this bright April day during the spring quarter at the university. Fulgur Ovid laid on the gravel near Campbell hall looking exasperated after caring for his younger brothers; Uki, Alban and Sonny. Fulgur was feeling blue, he wished he had someone who could dance around his cavernous body.

As all the students eyes were gazing at the sleepy cyborg, another sight appeared which quickly caught their attention. A sight so gleaming, so bright and mesmerizing. As Fulgur heard the sound of high heels clicking on the concrete he knew exactly who it was.
    "Quit moping around"
As Fulgur opened his one eye, he saw that his friend Jugyeong Lim had appeared. Jugyeong is an exchange student from South Korea, studying in the US for a study abroad program who had quickly made friends with the handsome Fulgur Ovid.
"No one likes a man who goofs off all day y'know" Jugyeong pronounced.
"Love is hard to find" Fulgur sighed. "I just want someone who could play with my epididymis"
"That makes you and me both" Jugyeong agreed with a sad expression.

Then all of a sudden, in the corner of their eyes, someone had appeared. A man so cunning, so charming, so eager. A man who could come up with any form of an elaborate scheme, a man who could manipulate anyone into falling for his traps. This man was infamously known as

Mr. William James Moriarty

As fulgur viewed him up and down, his lips began to quiver. He immediately rushed over toward the dashing Moriarty.

"How about you and I compare our prostrate glands" Fulgur growled.

Moriarty began to grin, then he began to chuckle and then he fell into a pit of laughter.
"Catch me if you can" Moriarty winked.

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