Prolonge (Rewrite)

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As I walked into the classroom, my eyes twitched at the sight of Daisuke Hiyama and his little group of lackeys already on Hajime's case. And as if that wasn't enough, Kouki Amanogawa and his group always had to chime in and try to get me to join in on the harassment. But I just wanted to be left alone to doodle in my notebook or listen to music. They couldn't seem to understand that I wasn't to much of a social person.

Today, they left me alone, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it was going to be a tough day. "Today is going to be a pain," I sighed to myself.

Later on, during fourth period, I was humming to myself with my earbuds in, trying to tune out the noise of the other students. As the teacher entered the classroom, she reminded me to take out my earbuds. Just as I was about to comply, I noticed an odd glow on the floor. It didn't seem like a reflection of the lights, and I couldn't help but stare at it.

Suddenly, the glow intensified, revealing a circle of light with strange patterns surrounding its outer ring. "A summoning circle?" I thought to myself before everything went white.


Aio is kinda my self insert im easily annoyed and I like to draw a lot so yea. . . Have a good day

Arifureta: The Devourer (Oc x arifureta)Where stories live. Discover now