Chapter 1

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"Annabella! It is time to wake up, your Royal Highness!"

"I want to sleep more, Eliza!" Annabella quickly shouted at her servant, even though she knew today was her sixteenth birthday.

"I know ye do, but Lord Tyler of the house of Hearts of the Ten Empires is due in two hours!

Annabella instantly starts jumping out of bed into the hot bath; Eliza had drawn for her. 

...Two Hours Later...

The dear Princess was beyond nervous as she was about to meet her groom. He was the Lord of the wealthiest house behind her own and would help her family reunite the empire to its former glory. Annabella walked slowly and daintily down the grand staircase into the main hall. She laid her eyes upon the Lord of Hearts.

He was strikingly gorgeous, blue eyes piercing the soul, and a stunning smile framed by dimples and a jawline that could cut. He was surprisingly young.

"Good afternoon, your royal highness; may I interest you in a stroll and proposal?" asked Lord Tyler. She replied,"Indeed, your lordship."

"I would like to marry on the morrow and produce an heir. It is to believe if we succeed as soon as possible, then Queen Elizabeth's death at the Revolt of 1518 would not be in vain."

"My mother's death shall not be deemed in vain, sir! She was an honorable woman and did what she thought was right. She believed her death would solve political issues and did not resist when the assassin came in! Look at us now; all defensive against one another. I am of age to take the throne now and I know my father has enjoyed five years of regency," Annabella responded.

"I know that, darling, which is the reason I am proposing this. If we are married and to be with heirs, then we could prove a united front and use that to force other houses to bow; we would have the purest bloodline. Your two-times great-grandfather was the older brother of my two-times great-grandfather. We are of the Old Reign, the strongest empire this world has heard of!"

...September of 1525... 

Quite some time has passed since Annabella's wedding and the birth of her own twin boys, Prince Nikolai and Prince Albert. Today was the day she was to challenge her father to give up his regency and allow her to take the throne. 

She marched through the grand doors held open by the two guards into the throne room. Princess Annabella stopped atop the entrance and looked around the throne room. Enormous golden columns held up the glass-domed roof supporting a massive chandelier, and granite tiles stretched across and sat in the middle were four golden red velvet seated thrones. Upon the grandest throne sat her father where once upon a time her mother sat and she to her immediate left. The soon-to-be queen walked further into the room, up to her father, and curtsied.

"Father, I am here before you today. I am here to claim my right to the throne of the Ten Empires, united under Power, Unity, Blood, Aeria. Your time as regent is long overdue!"

"Daughter, you and I both know Aeria is nothing but an old tale of your ancestors to strike fear into their subjects. I do not wish to fight you, but I have grown to enjoy this position of power I now have. With that said I will do anything to keep this power."

"And I will do everything I can to claim what is rightfully mine!" Annabella shouted. She grabbed the small blade she had tucked in her sleeve. "Guards, take the Princess here and put her in the north tower prison cell. It should be comforting enough for her", he laughed as guards stormed into the room.

Annabella's eyes quickly darted around the room, assessing the guards as they start to close in. She swiftly throws the blade into a guards eye; seeing her only chance of staying alive slipping she sprinted as quickly as she could to the doors and ran for her life. She knew it would be hard to claim her birthright, but she did not think her father would imprison her. If he would imprison her to keep power, would he do much worse? She thought I have to get to Tyler and gather supporters. 

She ran to the stables and jumped upon a horse. The princess rode half a day to her husband and gathered her supporters. Only four of the ten empires supported her claim over her father's claim. The House of Hearts along the Southern Seas, her husband's house, the House of Rose in the fertile lands of the East, her aunt Princess Maria's house, the House of Lehuf in the Northern Icelands, and the House of Arga in the desert lands were supporting Annabella's claim; with them, they had almost 2/5 of the empire's naval and militant forces. 

Princess Annabella, Prince Tyler, Princess Maria, Lord Alexer, Lord Leyn, and Lady Isadora started talks about storming the castle. Their first step would be gathering troops.

A/N: stay tuned for an update! let me know what i can improve on and such!

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