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Katniss pulled an arrow out of her bag and drew it back in her bow. Aiming for one of the monkeys, that was now looking at her intensely. They seemed mad. They were hungry.

"What-" Finnick gasped.

"The actual fuck," Kaianna finished his thought, with a sour look on her face. She slowly reached down, and grabbed her weapon, before handing Finnick his. She had gotten bored with the gamemakers' tricks, faster than she remembered doing so in her first games, "can we actually have a fucking minute? No, that'd be too simple. Jesus fucki-"

"Kai," Finnick said slowly, "as much as I love your sarcastic rambling, it is- really- not the time."

Katniss looked into the tree line, silently coming up with a plan for their survival, "Peeta?"

"Yeah?" Peeta looked up from where he was collecting water, quickly and obliviously moving his gaze to the girl.

"Walk over here slowly."

Peeta turned back around, stumbling backward when a monkey roared in his face. He backed towards the group, the animals closing their circle close to the tributes.

"Get to the beach." Katniss commanded.

The monkeys almost knew the plan, and they blocked the path. Each tribute rose their weapons, trying to hold off each animal yet, not wanting to strike and start a fight. Peeta finally made the first move when a monkey jumped for Katniss, setting off the rest of the pack. Finnick struck next.

Everyone started swinging, stabbing the wild animals left and right. Kaianna rolled her eyes when Finnick got pinned, honestly still mad at the boy for their conversation from minutes ago.

"How many times are you gonna make me save your god damn life?" She grunted when she stabbed the animal that her partner was struggling under.

He ignored her, and instead shoved her out of the way, and impaled a monkey himself, "There. Now, we're even."

Kaianna looked over to Peeta, who was pulling Katniss out from under the water, "Oh, I'd hardly say so."

The green eyed woman barely had enough time to finish her sarcastic comment, before she was pinned in the dirt. The monkey pinned her on her back, it's eyes blacker than any soul she'd ever met, even Snow's. Hot air hit her face as a roar sounded. Then, with a slice, the animal's lifeless shell was thrown to the left of her.

"What about now?" Finnick's grin hid the concern that was currently tainting his bloodstream.

"Fine," Kaianna muttered, begrudgingly accepting his hand up, "also, why do the monkeys have to have bad breath? Fuck, I thought I was dead just off the smell."

Finnick shook his head, dumbfounded by the girl's comment. His eyes widened when he noticed Peeta pulling Katniss out from under the water.

"We've gotta get to the beach!" The boy from twelve shouted as he shoved his partner in the right direction.

Finnick stabbed another monkey that had lunged towards Kaianna, before following her down the path.

"Shit!" Kaianna winced when she got scratched in the shoulder. She scrunched her face in disgust at the sound of her spear piercing the beast's furry skin.

She looked up, and rushed towards her district twelve allies, who were now both on the ground. Peeta had been cornered against a tree, and looked absolutely terrified. Within seconds, a woman had lunged out from behind him, and tackled a monkey that was in pursuit of the boy. She couldn't fight for long, before the monkey had pinned her, and bit a chunk out her neck. She sacrificed her life, to preserve his.

Never In Your Favor - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now