Chapter 4: Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Secrets. We all have our dirty little secrets. I must tell you mine, I'm scared of cats, no one really knew except for my family." Some of the boys laughed as Fred was discussing. Felicia went chuckling. "I don't know why I'm scared of cats, maybe their eyes are just so creepy. But I know we all have secrets. Why keep secrets?" Fred asked his class for them to contemplate. Cecile raised her hands. " Yes, Cecile?"

"It might hurt someone, somebody we love." Cecile recited.

"Exactly, but unlike mine. It is embarrassing. If somebody knows your secret, you will be ashamed, people might laugh at you. In some cases, you keep secrets to protect the ones you love for them not to be harmed. Other cases, you keep a secret because you were forced to." Fred paused.

Hazel looked at Deena. Deena wasn't listening to the discussion.

There are certain disadvantages when you have a secret. Secret can lead us to lie. Lying to cover up your secret. We all know that lies can tear relationships apart. Your secret is also your vulnerable side. One can destroy you just by using your secrets." Fred warned. Hazel was alarmed.

Later at lunch, Hazel, Rick and Felicia were together eating.

"We can't just keep telling everyone that Lanne is still sick." Hazel started.

"Obviously, R.E.X doesn't want us to tell the world that Lanne is with him." Felicia said.

"We must tell them Lanne ran away and keep the secret where it is supposed to be." Rick proposed.

"Alright. But I need to get the picture Selina captured. When she saw R.E.X was kidnapping Lanne." Hazel agreed.

"What? Selina actually witnessed it?" Rick raised his voice.

"We forgot to tell you, but yes Selina told us. All this time she thought it was just a prank. " Hazel replied. Then, she went with Felicia to find Selina.

"Did you see Howard today? He is really cute." Felicia said while they were walking .

"I just can't believe we both have a crush on Howard." Hazel replied.

"Duh. He's really cute!" Felicia said.

"There's nothing going on with the two of you?" Hazel confronted.

"Of course not!" Felicia emphasized.

"Because lately I've been seeing the both of you together more often."

"No. We just talk about things." Felicia explained. "Hey, there's Selina!" Selina, from a short distance saw Hazel and Felicia approaching her. She quickly walked away, her face full of fear.

"Selina! Wait!" Hazel ran after her. Felicia followed. Hazel caught Selina's arm and pulled her to face her. "Selina, what's the matter? What are you running away?" Hazel asked.

"I shouldn't be talking to you." Selina replied in a low tensed voice. She was panicking.

"What do you mean, Selina? Where is the picture?" Felicia demanded.

Rick himself went to Lanne's locker. Rick knew the code because Lanne told her before. Now, he opened it because he wanted to find clues on what happened to Lanne. He input the code and opened the locker. there he found Lanne's textbooks lying vertically and a letter laid on the stand. He got the letter out and read the label: For Mavs. It was for him so he opened the letter and it says :

To Mavs,

I knew that we're too young for this. Mom and dad forbids me to be in a relationship. I knew this before but I still tolerated this. So I'm breaking up with you before mom and dad finds out everything. I just want you to know I will always love you, maybe if fate allows us we might be together when we're adults already.

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