10: That's my fucking sister man

Start from the beginning

"So what? He is just another boy for you to fuck over?"

"You're the fucking crazy one" I screamed

"You ruin everything, you always have and you always will" she yelled "You think we wouldn't have noticed your little stunt walking in wearing his shirt. So what? did you fuck him on your little surf date?"

"Kie get off me" I yelled kicking her in the side so i could stand up "You have no right-"

"No i have every right!" She screamed "you can't just come in here out of nowhere and ruin everything"

"How have i ruined everything? You're the one who has been acting like a bitch to me all day" I snapped

"oh finally picked up on that. How very pogue of you, only thinking of your fucking self. Did you even want to tell us?"

"You don't like it here, go back to your side of the island" I yelled

"Oh shit she played the Kook card" Sarah said sitting up

"oh snap" Pope replied

"excuse me?" Kie snapped

"oh i think you heard me loud and clear. This is my house. And i want you out of it" i said pointing at the door

"Fuck you Jo, you care about nothing other than yourself" 

"Why are you still here? You know where the door is bitch" I said 

"Are you being serious right now"

"deadly" I replied as she stropped off towards the door and slamming it hard behind her "and don't fucking come back" I screamed after her turning around and seeing the boys still fighting on the ground "ugh are you fucking kidding me" I sighed "Pope please fix this i just...ugh i just can't be assed" I said turning around and walking out the back door.

"Jo, Jo are you ok?" Sarah called after me but i just kept walking. I need to go for a walk or something, i need to get out of here. Pope can deal with JJ and my brother....he is good at that sort of stuff. I untied the HMS Pogue and i could still hear the distant shouts of Pope trying to stop John B and JJ fighting. I jumped on the boat and turned on the motor sailing off into the marsh. For fuck sake why did Kie have to do that. Of course we would have told them all eventually but it was still way too new to create an argument of this scale. Also i would have found an appropriate time to tell them, i didn't want my brother to find out like this...hell i didn't want any of them to find out this way. I pulled the boat up to the coast of the boneyard and jumped off. Why does my brother have to be this way, why can't he just be happy for me. He knows JJ, surely thats better than me bringing some random crackhead home. But no heaven forbid i'm happy for once and he is going to ruin it. I just hope JJ doesn't back down....and that he got at least one decent punch in cause my brother was definitely winning that fight from what I saw. I started walking down the beach whenever i heard someone calling out my name.

"Jo!, Jo wait up" They called. I just kept walking, its probably just one of the guys trying to talk to me and I don't wanna talk to them right now "Jo! Hey Jo!"

"oh my god would you just leave me alone" I snapped turning around "oh, um Rafe...i'm sorry i uh thought you were someone else"

"thats ok" he laughed running to catch up with me "trouble in paradise?"

"yea um- you could say that" i chuckled

"So whats JJ done now?" 


"you know...what's he done to piss you off this time"

"JJ hasn't done anything, what are you talking about?"

The Summer is ours// JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now