"Lets head in and get our seats." Tal starts to walk towards the door of the restaurant.

"Hang on." Tal and I stop and Ren opens the back door of his car. "Yo get out here dude." Ren looks into his car. A few seconds later a guy with short greasy brown hair, brown bloodshot eyes, a lot of stubble, and a tall muscular build that seems rather droopy. I feel like I know who it is but I don't recognize him.

"Why do I have to be here?" as soon as I hear him talk I recognize him immediately.

What the heck?! Why would they bring Black here?!

Tal tightens his grip around me. "Hey, don't worry Blight. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." he whispers.

Speck walks over to me. "Come on Blight lets go!" she says loudly. Black turns his head to look for me. When he sees me he goes over to Ren and I can hear them arguing a little. When they finish Ren walks past me and mouths an "I'm sorry" with a slight grin.

We all walk into the restaurant. "Table for five." Ren says to the waiter. We get lead to one of the corner booths. I sit in the middle of Speck and Tal, Ren is beside Speck and Black is on the end beside Ren. We look on the menu and order our drinks and food. I get a root beer and some arctic cod.

When we get our food I scarf it down as fast as possible so that we can get out of here. Everyone is still eating once I'm done, except for Black. He looks over at me and I see that the whites of his eyes are almost entirely red, meaning he has either been crying a lot, like me, not sleeping, or both. I look down at my empty plate.

Tal wraps his arm around me and pulls me close. I don't object, I need to be held onto to keep me from making a scene and bolting. "Hey chill." Tal pulls me in closer and Black glares at Tal but quickly looks away.

We are still there half an hour later. Speck and Ren are making googly eyes at each other while continuing to eat their food. I can feel Black's eyes burrowing into my head as I play on my phone. I try my hardest to not turn invisible because, even though we are the last ones in the restaurant, there are waiters all around cleaning up the tables.

A waiter comes by the table and offers us dessert. Everyone but Black gets some. They all got very intricate cakes and pies, I just get a bowl of ice cream. I really need something to cheer me up right now. Tal takes a spoonful of my ice cream, I give him a death glare. Once I finish the waiter comes by and takes my bowl. Once Speck and Ren are done eating we pay and head outside.

The five us are the only ones in the parking lot. Tal pulls me into him again. I look at him and before I know what is happening he kisses me. I push him away. "Tal, I-I..." I'm cut off by a yelling Black.

"What the hell was that?!" he snaps.

"What do you think I was doing? I was kissing her." Tal shrugs with a sly grin forming on his face.

"Yeah, but seriously right here? In front of me?"

"So? I think she has moved on." He grins

They continue arguing back and forth. "Enough!" I screech irritated. "Tal, I'm sorry but I don't think of you that way, your more of a big brother to me and I always thought I was like a little sister to you, and I am not over him." Black looks at me with wide eyes eyes. "And you." I point at Black. "Your parents killed my dad and you were not going to say anything to me about it. Didn't you think I deserved to know?"

"Yes, but I was worried. I know how close you were to your dad. I just I didn't want anything like this to happen, but I guess it did anyways. But its not my fault that my parents were hunters and your dad was a demon." Black answers quietly.

"Wait what? She is a demon?" Ren perks up.

"No, she is only half demon. You know how you said her wings looked so realistic at the party? That's because they are." Black replies biting his lip.

"She is still part demon and you didn't kill her?!" Ren shrieks.

"I was going to but then I started to see that she wasn't evil!" Black angrily yells.

"You should have killed her!"

"What is wrong with you Ren?!" Speck cries.

Ren does not answer, instead he reaches into his pocket pulling out a pocket knife. He lunges for me. Tal is screaming and Black is growling, lunging forever. Speck seems to disappear. Something shoves me hard from the side and I stumble looking back at who shoved me.I hear a cry and see who took the blow of the dagger.


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