At Night- LH44

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Throughout the past couple of days, me and Lando let all of the drivers know that we were related. Pretty much all of them had the same response, speechless until they manage to splutter out a sentence.

Although I told people about one secret I still have one other secret closely guarded, it was so secret that only me and that other person knew about it. However, it was bound to come out sooner or later if one of us makes a slight slip-up. Anyway, I was feeling slightly lonely so I decided to see if he wanted to meet up.

To 💙🧡: Want to meet up later
From 💙🧡: Sure I think that I'm free
To 💙🧡: My hotel this time
From 💙🧡: Yeah say 5
To 💙🧡: Sounds good, then we can order room service
From 💙🧡: Defo, c u later

With that arrangement made, I relaxed and started to think about the race, the next day. It was at a track that I enjoyed and it was expected to be a good race.

A couple of hours later, there was a knock on my door and I opened it to reveal my boyfriend standing outside it. I let him in and quickly closed the door behind him.

"Hey, nice to see you glad you got here okay, did anyone spot you?"
"Nah, the place was practically deserted, where is everyone?"
"That's good, this secret it even bigger than me being related to Lando. And I have no idea where everyone is maybe they're just having a late night at the track ready for the race tomorrow."
"We can't do much tonight because we have the race tomorrow."
"I know it's such a shame, but we could just watch a movie or something instead."
"Yeah, I can get behind that, what do you want to watch."
"How about Fast and Furious."
"Sure I'll set it up."

I went and got the movie set up and we lay down on the bed snuggled next to each other ready to watch the movie. All in all, it wasn't that bad and we spent an enjoyable couple of hours in each other's company. He had to leave at nine so he wasn't seen out too late by his team but I knew that we would get together after the race the next day so I let him go with a quick kiss. The relaxing couple of hours we spent together allowed me to have a good night's sleep and I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the race.

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