Surprises- CS55

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When I agreed to meet Lando at the cafe, the last thing that I expected was to get told that what he actually said during the interview was correct. I mean, I thought that it was too far fetched to be true, turns out it wasn't. Good to know that I am dating Lewis Hamilton's nephew, definitely not scary at all. I was still processing what I heard from the previous night when I got a message from my boyfriend.

From Muppet🧡: Lewis has given the okay to tell other drivers
To Muppet🧡: So, can I tell some
From Muppet🧡: Yes, but only a few
From Muppet🧡: Me and Lewis want to tell most of them
To Muppet🧡: I'll just tell Charles then
From Muppet🧡: Kk, let me know how it goes

I exited my chat with Lando and went to find Charles to go and let him know about Lando and Lewis being related. This, as it turned out, was remarkably easy to do. He was down in the lobby of the hotel that we were staying at waiting to head out to the track. With everything that had been going on, I had completely forgotten that we still had to do practise and qualifying, oops. Anyway, I went and approached Charles so that I could tell him while he was there.

"Oh, hey Carlos, what's up are you ready to go to the track?"
"Erm, nearly I kinda forgot about it. Anyway can we go somewhere more private because I have something to tell you"
"Sure, let's go to my room but we need to be quick about it cause Andreas won't be happy if we're late."
"Yeah, no problem."

Breathing a sigh of relief, I followed Charles up to his room, thankful that he didn't ask too many questions in front of everybody. As soon as the door to his hotel room was closed, he turned on me.

"So, what did you have to tell me then, that was so important."
"Erm, well Lando told me yesterday that he is actually Lewis's nephew."
"Lewis, as in Lewis Hamilton," Charles replied in shock and I must say that I did a gleeful dance inside that I got a reaction out of him.
"Yep," I said as gleefully as I felt.

Charles just stared at me in utter disbelief at what I had just said quite probably processing the information that he had just received. It isn't often that gets told something that he doesn't know about as people in the paddock tend to go to him if they have a secret so when it comes out he isn't usually shocked. 

"So, when Lando said Uncle Lewis to the media, he was telling the truth."
"Yes, but he made a slip up."
"Well, I didn't think that he meant to say it especially with the way he covered it up."

Contrary to the popular belief, Charles was very shrewd and hits the nail on the head (as the English say) pretty often (sometimes it's scary how accurate he can be).

"Anyway, Carlos are you sure you were allowed to tell me this."
"Lando said I could."
"Well, that's alright then come on, we need to get going to the track before Andreas loses his head."

With that we headed out of Charles's room and down to the track ready for fp3.

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