Secrets Out .Or was it ever in?{。}

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They literally broke out in fits of laughter my cheeks burned I knew I was blushing with embarrassment and Sherry must of known it to Because she hit Ashley in the arm and gave her a look that meant "Let's get serious!"

"Nessie we like already knew that!" Sherry said with a smile like she was just stating the obvious.

"Really. omg how!!" i said even more embarrassed. If me having a crush on Jake was so obvious to them then it must have been clear as day to Jake.

"uh DUH! they way you light up and blush And stumble over your word when he talks to you" Ashley said with another smile like this was'nt news to anyone.

Oh my god! I thought to myself if they noticed all these things then Jake definitely have as well he must think im a complete idiotic kid who have a little stupid crush on him! or a love struck teen!

"Nessie don't be embarrassed maybe you should tell him how you fell" Ashley in a sweet voice leave it to her to be a good friend.

"Are you crazy I'm 13 well i look 13 and his 18" i said frustrated. Leave it to me to be huh whats the word a bitch!

"Age is just a number Hun but you are right he is older but i still think you should at least talk to your parents about this" Sherry said in a calming voice. I'm not going to say leave it to her to be a doll cause this chicks has a personality issue.

Talk to my parents tell them their four year old daughter likes someone who's eighteen. Yeah sure I'll do that. Note the sarcasm!

These girls are crazy well their lucky their 15 next week is my birthday hopefully I'll look their age or older! I thought to myself while just nodding my head pretending to listen to Ashley talk about some R rated movie they saw.

Renesmee After Dawn(Being Edited)(WATTY AWARDS 2013)Where stories live. Discover now