Jake I Need To Talk To You.{。}

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"Ofcource Nessie. Anything..." He said

"Uh... nothing just forget it" I said so embrassesed just like the chicken I am

"Come on tell me" Jake pryed

"I let Alice and Rose go shopping for new clothes for me big mistake right?" I lied

He chuckled "Defiantely blondie and Alice shopping for you, you having similar clothes as Alice and blondie...... Och!"

We both broke out in fits of laughter. til I decided its about time I rush him out of my room before I say something stupid.

"Well I will see you at the pary Jake" I rushed him out my room!

"Okay Nessie" and he left I saw sherry and Ashley literally two feet away from my door acting all innocent. Them two? innocent. Yeah right! They were obviously listen to our converstion. those little bit-! minding read dad downstairs Shutup! I mentally scowled myself.

They walk in my room wear matching dresses and heels I was a bit no alot surprised them two in dresses, They really do love me either there planning something... "So how it go???? did you tell him" sherry finally spoke not even bothering to say a simply "hey"

"Well hey to you guys to" I said with sarcasm practically dripping from my voice. "Yeah yeah, now spill it!" Ashley yelled

"No I panicked and lied straight to his face!" I said with a hint of guilt in my voice. Jake never lied to me and here I was lieing to him!

"Ohh its okay your..... woah Nessie you look our age now" Ashley said so surprised. Really the just noticed I looked different. leave it to them to not be very observant.

"Wow Nessie you look hot you have a cute butt and a nice bust" Sherry just blurted out. Yeah she does stuff like that.

I was embrassesed but not that much because Sherry does says whats on her mind!. me and Ashley just couldn't stop laughing at what she said. eventually we did.

"Well Me and Ashley are heading to the mall to get your birthday presents be back soon" Sherry said after our laughter was over and she pulled Ashley outside.

Right when they left aunt Rose and Alice came back from shopping I'm scared to see how many clothes they bought if not the entire mall! I groan and get ready to become their dress up barbie!


Nessie told me she had to talk to me than she must've panicked and gave me a bold face lie so I just played along until she said she had to get ready for her party and I left I saw her two friends Sherry and Ashley I think that were they names. I never met them officially before they were clearly trying to be unseen listening to our conversation. I wonder if Nessie talks about me to them, Nahh she probably doesn't.

I Went to the mall with Seth, Leah, Embry, and Quil to grab a bite to eat. I saw Sherry and Ashley probably being Nessie a birthday present I decide this was a chance to get to talk to them and say hey, or maybe get some type of information about Nessie out of them, was that wrong? "HEY YOU GUYS" I shouted

They seemed to hear us and made they.were towards us from a store they were exciting. As Sherry turned around Seth's whole expression changed he had a loving familiar look on his face and at that moment I knew he imprinted on her...... Oh uh. I wonder how shes going to take this ofcouce we weren't going to tell now even though they knew about us werewolves and vampires. They approach closer.

I nudged Seth in the shoulder to snap him back to reality so Sherry wouldn't get creeped out over how Seth was just staring at her looking like a huge pervert. They sat down at next to Leah and Seth, Sure he doesn't mind that...

"Hey Jacob wassup?" Ashley said

"Nothing what are you guys doing her thought you were with Nessie?" I said calmly remembering them eavesdropping on our conversation.

"We were but we stopped here to see if her gift was ready wanna see it?"

she pulled out a box that contained a locket that had their names on the back it was a heart divided into three letters B. F. F . nessies name was in the B it was really cute

"thats cute I'm sure she'll love it" I state

"cool thanks" Sherry and Ashley said at the same time boy if I didn't know any better I'd assume they were sisters.

"Well we better get going get ready for the party, nice to meet you all. wait I'm Sherry and this is Ashley! and you guys are....? Sherry said all peeped up making sure she formally introduce her and Ashley

"IM SETH" he said almost shouting trying to me the first to introduce himself already acting like a love sick puppie Leah and Quil were trying hard not to laugh. As much as I thought she would be weried out of laugh she smiled she must of thought him acting like this was cute.... girls, never understand them.

"nice and you guys?" she said taking her eyes off Seth to focus on the rest of the pack.

"Leah." "Quil". "Embry" they said flatly

"Well nice to meet you guys come on Ashley later Jacob"

Then they left and Seth watched her as she walked away then not breaking his gaze til she was out of view. "I think its about time we get to Renesmee's party. wouldn't wanna be late, they might run out of food!" He stated we all laugh at his lame excuse to leave early to goto the party.

"Sure thing love sick puppie" Leah teased we all got up drove to the pack house and got ready guess who was the first one ready?

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Renesmee After Dawn(Being Edited)(WATTY AWARDS 2013)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin